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渣漿泵選金礦鐵礦什么是 硫脲浸金技術

渣漿泵選金礦鐵礦什么是 硫脲浸金


硫脲又稱硫化尿素(H2NCSNH2),是一種有機化合物,相對分子質量76.12,密度1. 405g/cm3,熔點180~182C。其晶體易溶于水,在25C時,在水中溶解度為142g/L,水溶液呈中性、無腐蝕作用,溶解熱22.57k/mol硫服的重要特性是在水溶液中與過渡金屬離子生成穩定的絡陽離子,反應通式:

硫除在堿性溶液中不穩定,易分解生成硫化物和氨基,氨基氰水解產出尿素。硫脲在酸性溶液中具有還原性能,易氧化生成二硫甲脒。一 硫甲脒進一步氧化,分解為氨基氰和單質硫。

26  硫脲的特點有哪些?


27  什么是硫代硫酸鹽浸出金?

硫代硫酸鹽是S2O3團的化合物,它可看中一個氧原子硫原子取代的產物。硫代硫酸鹽與酸作用時形成的硫代硫酸立即分解為硫和亞硫酸,后者立即分解為二氧化硫和水, 因而浸出過強需要在性條件進行。SoF中兩個S原子的氧化值平均為+2,它具有溫和的還原性,因此,浸出過程適當地控制化條件是必須的。硫代硫酸鹽另重要性質是它能與許多金屬 (金、銀、銅、鐵、鉑、鈀、汞、鎳、錫)離了形成絡合物。如:


劑利用廉易得的石灰和硫合制而成,無毒,有利于環境保護,其主要成分是硫化鈣(CaS,) 和硫代硫酸鈣(CaS2O3)。因此,石硫合劑法的浸金過程是多硫化物浸出金和硫代硫酸鹽浸出金兩者的聯合作用,因而使用石硫合劑法具有優越的浸出金性能,更適于處理含碳、伸、銻、銅、錯的難處理金礦。但是,該方法在技術還很不成熟,有待進一步研究。
    石硫合劑中含有S.、S0X、5、S等離子,它們與金均可形成穩定的配合物。多離子如同過氧離子,其有氧化性,可將Au(0)氧化成Au(I),生成的Au( I)可與溶液中各種配位離子形成穩定的配合物,由于Au( I)濃度不斷降低,就促使Au(0)不斷溶解。浸出金的關鍵不但要有氧化劑使Au(0)氧化,更重要的是被氧化了的Au( I)與溶液中的配位離了生成穩定的配合物。氰化物和硫脲(Thio) 是最常見的浸出金溶劑,在氧化劑存在下它們與Au (I)均能形成穩定的配合物。S205、S3、S2-Au(T)形成的配合物,其穩定性均高于硫脲與Au(I )的配合物,接近氰化物與金的配合物。


液氯化法,通常又稱為水溶液氯化法或水氯化法。此法初期采用硫酸漂白粉的溶液從有中成功地浸出金,并用硫酸亞鐵從出液中沉淀出金。一般說來, 中凡是王水可溶的物質,液氰化法也可以溶解。采用液化法,金的浸出率比化法高,且的價格比氰化物低。



用于液氧化法的出劑主要是() 氯和氯鹽。由于氯的活性 渣漿泵

What is thiourea leaching of gold ore by slurry pump

Gold leaching by thiourea method refers to the process of leaching gold by thiourea.

Thiourea, also known as urea sulfide (h2ncsnh2), is an organic compound with a molecular weight of 76.12, a density of 1.405g/cm3, and a melting point of 180-182c. The crystal is easily soluble in water. At 25C, the solubility in water is 142g / L, and the aqueous solution is neutral and non corrosive. The important characteristic of the solution heat of 22.57k/mol sulfur suit is the formation of stable complex cations with transition metal ions in the aqueous solution. General formula:

Sulfur removal is not stable in alkaline solution, it is easy to decompose into sulfide and cyanamide, and cyanamide hydrolysis produces urea. Thiourea has reductive property in acid solution and is easy to oxidize to form dithioformamidine. Thioformamidine is further oxidized and decomposed into cyanamide and elemental sulfur.

What are the characteristics of thiourea?

The characteristics of thiourea are as follows: ① it is nontoxic; ② it has better selectivity than cyanide, and it is good for copper, zinc, arsenic and antimony

The sensitivity of other elements is obviously lower than that of oxidation method; ③ the gold dissolving speed is faster than that of cyanidation leaching by more than 4-5 times; ④ the gold dissolving by thiourea is carried out in acid medium. It is suitable for the leaching of refractory minerals which have been pretreated; ⑤ the thiourea gold complex formed in the solution is cation in nature, which is suitable for the recovery of gold by solvent extraction and ion-exchange method, but thiourea is expensive and consumes a large amount (20% oxidized by itself and 80% absorbed by ore). It is not as stable as cyanide, and it is easy to corrode the equipment due to the leaching of gold in acid medium In recent years, sulfur pulse has been listed as a suspicious carcinogen. Therefore, it can be said that thiourea method is difficult to replace cyanidation in the near future. The leaching of gold and silver with thiourea acid solution has the characteristics of high design speed, small toxic parts, easy regeneration and recovery of reagents, and little green effect of copper, arsenic, antimony, carbon, lead, zinc and sulfur. It is suitable for extracting gold bearing mineral raw materials that are difficult to be treated or cannot be treated by chlorination method

What is thiosulfate leaching of gold?

Thiosulfate is a compound containing s2o3 group, which can be regarded as the product of one oxygen atom in sulfate replaced by sulfur atom. The thiosulfuric acid formed by the interaction of thiosulfate and acid is immediately decomposed into sulfur and sulfite, and the latter is immediately decomposed into sulfur dioxide and water. The average oxidation value of two S atoms in sof is + 2, which has mild reducibility. Therefore, it is necessary to properly control the oxidation conditions in the leaching process. Another important property of thiosulfate is that it can form complexes with many metals (gold, silver, copper, iron, platinum, palladium, mercury, nickel, tin). Such as:

The most important thiosulfate is sodium thiosulfate and ammonium thiosulfate, both of which are usually colorless or white granular crystals. In the presence of oxygen, gold may react in thiosulfate solution as follows:

What is the method of leaching gold with stone sulfur mixture?

The leaching of gold by the method of stone sulfur mixture is a new type of non system leaching technology. Stone sulfur

It is made of cheap and easily available lime and sulfur yellow. It is nontoxic and beneficial to environmental protection. Its main components are calcium polysulfide (CAS,) and calcium thiosulfate (cas2o3). Therefore, the process of gold leaching by the method of stone sulfur mixture is the combination of polysulfide leaching and thiosulfate leaching. Therefore, the method of stone sulfur mixture has superior gold leaching performance and is more suitable for the treatment of refractory gold ores containing carbon, extension, antimony, copper and dislocation. However, this method is not mature in technology and needs further study.

There are S., s0x, 5, s plasma in the mixture, which can form stable complexes with gold. Polysulfide ions, like peroxides, are oxidable. They can oxidize Au (0) to Au (I). The resulting Au (I) can form stable complexes with various coordination ions in the solution. As the concentration of Au (I) keeps decreasing, Au (0) will continue to dissolve. The key to gold leaching is not only the oxidizer to oxidize Au (0), but also the coordination of oxidized Au (I) and solution to form stable complexes. Cyanide and thiourea are the most common solvent for leaching gold. In the presence of oxidant, they can form stable complexes with Au (I). The stability of the complexes of S205, S3, S2 - with Au (T) is higher than that of thiourea with Au (I), close to that of cyanide with gold.

29 what is liquid chlorine leaching?

Liquid chlorination, also known as water solution chlorination or water chlorination. In the initial stage of this method, gold was successfully leached from the solution with cyanogen water or sulfuric acid plus bleaching powder, and gold was precipitated from the leached solution with ferrous sulfate. Generally speaking, all the substances soluble in aqua regia in raw materials can also be dissolved by liquid cyanidation. The leaching rate of gold is higher and the price of chlorine is lower than that of cyanide.

Chlorine is a strong oxidant and can react with most elements. For gold, it is both a water oxidizer and a complexing agent. Gold is oxidized by chlorination and complexed with chlorine, so it is called water chlorination leaching gold. Its chemical reaction is

The reaction was carried out rapidly under the condition of low pH, when the concentration of chlorine in the solution increased obviously.

The main leachables used in liquid oxidation are (wet) chlorine and chloride salts. Active slurry pump due to chlorine

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