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19 什么類型的礦石采用氰化法?常用的氰化法提金方法有哪些?

    滲濾化法是氰化法提金方法中較為簡單易行的一種。滲濾氰化是在滲濾浸出槽中進行的,把待浸出的礦石裝滿浸出槽,然后加入氰化物溶液浸出。化溶液滲濾過礦石層使金溶解,經過滲濾浸出的含金溶液(貴液)透過比槽底稍高的假底(濾底),經槽壁上的管道流出。貴液排出管位于槽底和濾底之間,礦石經氰化溶液處理后再用清水洗滌,把殘留在礦石間隙的含金溶液洗出。貴液送置換沉淀槽,用鋅絲或鋅粉置換析出,貧液補加適量氧化物可用于下一批新礦石的漫出,清水洗滌后的礦石即滲濾氰化尾礦。此法設備簡單、投資少、見效快,為國內外的小型礦山所廣泛采用;溶劑消耗少、省電且氧化后的礦漿不必進行濃縮或過濾。滲濾氧化法通常處理一10mm+0. 074mm的礦砂、較粗粒的培砂及其他疏松多孔的原料,處理含有土、礦、過分細磨的原科和礦粒大小不均原料。礦石中若有黏土、礦泥等細泥狀物料,在滲龍化之前,首先要進行篩分以及脫泥處理。

22 什么叫攪拌氰化法?其流程和特點是什么?


23什么叫炭漿法(CIP 和炭漫法?其流程和特點以及兩者之間的區別是什么?
    炭漿法提金工藝是以氰化物浸出金為基礎,一般是指出完成之后,一價金化物 [KAu(CN)2] 再用炭吸附的工藝。炭漿法主要使用于礦泥含量高的含金氧化礦石。這種礦石使用常規氧化法難以得到良好的技術經濟指標,原因在于礦泥含量高,固液分離困難,現有的過濾機均不能使貴液和礦渣有效的分離。炭漿法工藝過程是將含金礦石破碎、磨礦之后進行化浸出,礦漿經充分浸出后,加活性炭吸附礦漿中的金,載金炭經過清洗和解吸,分為含金較高的貴液和解吸炭。貴液經電解產出金粉,金粉經熔煉即成為金錠。解吸炭經再生后按比例配在新活性炭中循環使用。

Gold extraction method of precious metal by slurry pump

What type of ore is cyanidation? What are the commonly used cyanidation methods for gold extraction?

The method of leaching gold and silver from ore or concentrate with cyanide solution containing oxygen and recovering gold and silver from leaching solution is called cyanidation. The main factors affecting the oxidation leaching are the size and shape of gold particles, viscosity of ore pulp, impurity ions, etc., so the gold and silver ores suitable for the oxidation process should have the following characteristics: small gold particles, generally 1-7 μ m, but the gold particles are too small to be separated from the monomer; the ore contains less mud and is not easy to be muddy; pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, bismuth pyroxene, metal minerals easy to form complex with oxides, which can be found in gold. The mineral content of the film formed on the surface is less.

The commonly used cyanidation methods are: percolation chlorination, agitation oxidation, carbon slurry, carbon leaching and heap leaching. What is cyanidation leaching?

Cyanide leaching, also known as cyanidation, is a method of extracting gold and silver from ore or concentrate with cyanide solution containing oxygen, and then recovering gold and silver from the leaching solution. Precious metal gold and silver are elements with stable chemical properties, which will not be dissolved in most of the solution, but can be resolved in cyanide solution, and the presence of air also affects the neonation leaching.

In the process of cyaniding, gold can be produced in a thin cyaniding solution in the presence of oxygen

The basic reactions can be divided into one-step reaction and two-step reaction.

What is percolation cyanidation? What is its process and characteristics?

Percolation cyanidation is a simple and easy method in cyanidation. Percolation cyanidation is carried out in the percolation leaching tank. The ore to be leached is filled with the leaching tank, and then the cyanide solution is added for leaching. The cyanide solution leaches through the ore layer to dissolve the gold. The gold containing solution (precious solution) leached through the percolation leaches through the false bottom (filter bottom) slightly higher than the bottom of the tank and flows out through the pipes on the tank wall. The discharge pipe of the precious liquid is located between the bottom of the tank and the bottom of the filter. After the ore is treated with cyanide solution, it is washed with clean water to wash out the gold containing solution remaining in the ore gap. The precious liquid is sent to the replacement sedimentation tank, and the zinc wire or zinc powder is used to replace the precipitated liquid. The lean liquid is supplemented with appropriate amount of oxide, which can be used to overflow the next batch of new ore. the ore washed with clear water is the percolation cyanide tailings. This method is widely used in small mines at home and abroad because of its simple equipment, low investment and quick effect. The pulp after solvent consumption, power saving and oxidation does not need to be concentrated or filtered. The percolation oxidation process usually deals with a 10 mm + 0.074 mm ore sand, coarser sand and other porous raw materials. It is forbidden to deal with raw materials containing clay, slime, excessively finely ground original families and ore particles with uneven size. If there are clay, slime and other fine slime materials in the ore, screening and desliming treatment should be carried out before cyanidation.

What is stirring cyanidation? What is its process and characteristics?

At present, agitation oxidation is a common cyanide leaching method. The ore pulp after grinding and classification enters the thickener for dehydration, and after concentration, it is sent to the agitation leaching tank, and an appropriate amount of cyanide solution is added to the leaching tank for leaching. The leached pulp is sent to the solid-liquid separation to separate the gold bearing solution from the cyanide tailing, which is the solid. The precious liquid is sent to the replacement precipitation operation, and zinc wire is used.

Or zinc powder to replace the precipitated gold. Then, further impurity removal is carried out. Cyanide tailing depends on the nature of raw ore, if it contains other polymetallic or pyrite, it will be comprehensively recovered. There are mechanical agitation leaching tank, air agitation leaching tank and air mechanical combined agitation leaching tank in the mixing equipment. This method is used to treat the gold bearing right with particle size less than 0.3mm. It has high mechanization degree, short leaching time and high leaching efficiency.

What is carbon slurry process (CIP and carbon diffusion process? Its process and characteristics and the difference between them?

The gold extraction process by carbon slurry method is based on the cyanide leaching of gold. Generally, it refers to the process that the univalent gold cyanide [Kau (CN) 2] is adsorbed by carbon after the cyanide leaching is completed. The carbon slurry method is mainly used in oxidized ore with high content of slime. It is difficult to obtain good technical and economic indexes for this kind of ore by conventional oxidation method because of the high content of slime and the difficulty of solid-liquid separation. The existing filters can not effectively separate the precious liquid and slag. The process of carbon slurry process is to crush and grind the gold bearing ore, then carry out cyanide leaching. After the pulp is fully leached, add active carbon to absorb the gold in the pulp. After cleaning and desorption, the gold bearing carbon can be divided into noble solution and desorption carbon with higher gold content.  Gold powder is produced by electrolysis of the precious liquid, and the gold powder is melted into gold ingot. After regeneration, desorption carbon is recycled in proportion in the new activated carbon.

The principle of carbon leaching method is similar to that of carbon slurry method.  Carbon leaching is a method that the activated carbon is put into the oxidation leaching tank, and cyanide leaching gold and carbon adsorption gold are carried out in the same tank.

The carbon pulp method is to leach the gold in the ore first, and then use the active carbon to absorb and recover the dissolved gold. The carbon pulp method is to leach the gold in the ore and use the active carbon to absorb the dissolved gold in the ore pulp at the same time. Although the principles and methods of the two processes are the same, there are obvious differences between them. Cyanidation leaching and hair adsorption of carbon slurry process are carried out respectively, so separate overflow and adsorption equipment are required. Moreover, cyanidation leaching time is much longer than carbon adsorption time, the total time of leaching and adsorption is long, capital construction and equipment investment are high, and the workshop area is large. The carbon Han process is a process of adsorption while overflowing. The leaching operation and adsorption operation are combined to keep the gold content in the pulp liquid phase at a low level, which is conducive to accelerating the cyanide leaching process of gold. Therefore, carbon leaching

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