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    根據本篇第三章第三節中所述的確定不同流量時理論揚程Hτ= f(Q)和壓水室內水力損失hora=f(Q)的方法,通過計算方法可以繪制渣漿泵在相當寬的流量范圍內揚程特性曲線H= f(Q)。為此應該給出:
(3)壓水室主要參數:壓水室斷面寬度B,高度h,計算斷面和隔舌斷面的形式,壓力短管喉部斷面面積Pr隔舌安放角4 (參閱圖3-3-1)。
    采用下列方法繪制特性曲線H= f(Q):







考慮泄漏量時,利用下列方法給制H-f(0)關系曲線:繪出曲線Ht=f(Q)的每一個點,沿著水平方向小流量側移動對應給定工作狀態的 q值。

(2) 確定對應最高水力效率的狀態。如果最佳參數Qam和Har給出,那么可以根據這些參數計算泵對應最佳工作狀態的比轉速。
    (4)確定葉輪內的水力損失,因為葉輪內的水力損失在很寬流最范圍內近似為常數,只有在很小流量狀態才開始增大,所以在繪制揚程特性曲線時,在整個討論流量范圍內采用hx=常數。hx值是根據公式hx-Hr.amr(1一m加)針對最佳狀態(Qar) 確定的,根據葉片數z選取葉輪的水力效率(參閱本箱第四章第一節)。
    (5)計算泵過流部分總的水力損失: hu=hx + hurs.因為進口短管內的水力損失不大,這里不予考慮(由于進口處的速度低和吸入短管形式——漸縮式或者圓簡式,從水力損失觀點看是有利的)。
    在接近或者大于最佳流量時,揚程計算值和試驗值近似一致(差值為5%~8%). 在Q≤(0.4~0.5)Qar時,發現揚程值離散度較大,在個別情況下可達到10%~12%。出現這種情況的原因是在確定壓水室內的水力損失不夠精確,因為在很小流量時,液體從計算斷面和隔舌之間的區域已經回流到葉輪內,此外,在很小流量時,嚴格地說葉輪內的水力損失不是常數,它已開始增大,目前還不能估算葉輪內這種增大的水力損失,因此,對于比轉速n=70~200,流量Q=(0.51~1.5)Qamn的渣漿泵,可以推薦上述繪制揚程特性曲線的方法。



Drawing Conditions of Head Characteristic Curve of Slurry Pump

At present, the characteristic curves H = f (Q) and N = f (Q) of all vane pumps can only be obtained by test method. For this reason, there is no accepted calculation method to estimate the hydraulic loss of pumps in a wide flow range.

According to the method of determining theoretical head H_= f(Q) and hydraulic loss hora=f(Q) in pressurized water chamber at different flow rates described in Section 3 of Chapter III of this paper, the head characteristic curve H= f(Q) of slurry pump in a fairly wide flow range can be drawn by calculation method. To this end, it should be given that:

(1) Speed of impeller.

(2) The impeller is mainly applied to: diameter D2, outlet width b2, blade outlet angular wind, blade number z, blade thickness 8 at the outlet of the impeller.

(3) Main parameters of water chamber: width B, height h of water chamber section, form of calculation section and tongue section, throat section area of pressure short pipe Pr tongue placement angle 4 (see Figure 3-3-1).

2. Drawing Method of Head Characteristic Curve

Characteristic curves H= f (Q) are plotted by the following methods:

1) Determine the relationship between theoretical head and Ht=f(Q) at different flow rates. For this purpose, the following flow values are calculated, including the parameters of the working section of the pump characteristic curve:

The circumferential velocity of impeller outlet UA = Dxn/60 and angular velocity. =rn/30;

The impeller outlet velocity cs=Q(nD.b.);

In the field of liquid flow exclusion coefficient at impeller outlet, not only the thickness of blade but also the existence of the stripping zone should be considered.

Formula (3-2-9)];

The blade outlet angle correction AB is

According to the formula (3-2-15), the theoretical head of each flow point is determined.

Strictly speaking, Ht is not a function of pump flow, but a function of liquid flow through impeller: Q = Q + Q. In order to simplify the calculation, leakage can be ignored, because the error of determining HT under this condition is far less than the error of calculation itself.

If necessary, the following methods are used to consider the leakage Q. Determine the leakage q, assuming that it is the function of pump flow, q = f (Q) = Q (1-1). In order to improve the volumetric efficiency of the pump, according to the information in the third section of this chapter, it is determined for the best state.

Therefore, the leakage GA in the best state is calculated at the beginning, and then its value in other states is calculated according to the following formula.

When considering the leakage, the H-f (0) curve is drawn by the following method: each point of the curve Ht = f (Q) is plotted, and the Q value corresponding to the given working state is moved along the small flow side in the horizontal direction.

(2) Determine the state corresponding to the highest hydraulic efficiency. If the optimum parameters Qam and Har are given, then the specific speed of the pump corresponding to the optimum working state can be calculated according to these parameters.

If the optimum parameters of the pump are not given, then the flow Q-. This value is necessary for calculating the internal loss of the screw (annular) pump in the pressurized water chamber.

In order to determine Qmzx, a ray is drawn from the origin of the graph line Ht=f(Q) coordinate, and the slope of the line between the ray and the flow is determined according to the following relations.

The intersection of the ray and the line Ht=f(Q) determines the state of maximum hydraulic efficiency (the theoretical report of this method is referred to in Section 4 of Chapter 3 of this box). The Qnm value calculated by this method is in good agreement with the flow value obtained from some slurry pump equilibrium test data (the error is less than 5%). At the same time, the flow test value is usually better than the calculated value, which can be explained by the small deviation between the velocity variation law calculated by the pressure chamber and the Ro. = constant.

(3) For the same flow rate as the first section, the loss in the pressure chamber is determined, which is the sum of the loss in the screw (annular) pump body and in the short pressure tube of the pump pressure chamber.

According to the values determined above, the loss in the pressurized water chamber (screw pump body) is determined by using the method described in Section 3 of Chapter III (refer to calculation examples).

(4) Determine the hydraulic loss in the impeller, because the hydraulic loss in the impeller is approximately constant in the widest range of flow, and increases only in the very small flow state. So when drawing the head characteristic curve, HX = constant is used in the whole range of flow discussed. The HX value is determined according to the formula hx-Hr.amr (1-m plus) for the optimal state (Qar), and the hydraulic efficiency of the impeller is selected according to the number of blades Z (see Section 1 of Chapter IV of this box).

(5) Calculate the total hydraulic loss of the flow passage part of the pump: Hu = HX + hurs. Because the hydraulic loss of the inlet short pipe is not too large, it is not considered here (because of the low speed at the inlet and the form of the inhalation short pipe - progressive or circular form, it is advantageous from the viewpoint of hydraulic loss).

(6) Calculate the pump head H = H-ha. In order to estimate the accuracy of the proposed method, it is necessary to calculate the head of 20 pumps in a wide flow rate. The diameter of the suction tube varies from 125 mm to 70 mm, the specific speed varies from 70 to 200, the size of the overflow surface and the shape of the water chamber also varies in a wide range, and the number of blades varies from 2 to 4.

When approaching or exceeding the optimal flow rate, the calculated value of head is approximately the same as the experimental value (the difference is 5%~8%). When Q < 0.4~0.5 Qar, it is found that the dispersion of head value is large, and in some cases it can reach 10%~12%. The reason for this is that the hydraulic loss in the pressurized water chamber is not accurate enough, because when the flow rate is very small, the liquid has flowed back into the impeller from the area between the calculated section and the tongue separator. In addition, when the flow rate is very small, the hydraulic loss in the impeller is not a constant, it has begun to increase, and it is not yet possible. This increased hydraulic loss in impeller is estimated. Therefore, for slurry pumps with specific speed n=70~200 and flow Q=(0.51~1.5)Qamn, the above method of drawing head characteristic curve can be recommended.

When determining the head characteristic curve of a real pump, the method of converting the similarity coefficient of the model pump characteristic curve is adopted. The so-called size effect is generally considered.

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