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(1)所有泵分為三組,取決于過流斷面的尺寸,即取決于葉片數: z=4, z=3,z=2.

在每組范圍內,按照三組泵的數據進行統計整理,可以得到關系D Xn?0=f(n,)是線性近似的,因為線性相關系數為0.85~-0.9,同時回歸方程式具在下列形式:
對于葉輪為兩枚葉片的泵(當 n,=70~210時)





















Drawing Characteristic Curve of Slurry Pump


Section I Statistics of Pumps

I. Statistical methods

In the pump manufacturing industry, statistical analysis is used to determine the main dimensions of the flow passage components from the given parameters, or on the contrary, to estimate the optimal parameters of the pump from the main parameters of the flow passage parts.

C. C. Rudenev proposed a classification method based on the statistical analysis of the results of homogeneous liquid pumping tests. The structural characteristics of slurry pump do not allow the statistical data of pump when pumping clean water to be used in slurry pump calculation. Therefore, according to the existing experimental data, the statistical data of slurry pump are sorted out. The unit diameter D. = O is used as the characteristic dimensionless parameter here as C.C. Rudenev's statistical method. Optimum flow rate and speed.

It should be noted that the statistics of centrifugal pumps (including slurry pumps) are based on the statistics of the best working conditions. So some of the following relationships are just right for this state.

Statistical methods used in slurry pumps are not only quantitative (dimensionless coefficient value), but also qualitative, which are different from those used in general purpose pumps. If the important characteristic dimensions of the overflow part can be determined singly according to the given parameters (flow rate, head, rotational speed or specific rotational speed) for pumping clean water, then for pumping abrasive solid-liquid mixture, these parameters can correspond to the working parts of the overflow part of different sizes and the required size of solid particles. Of These particles should pass freely through the pump. In addition, the statistical method can not be used to determine all dimensions of the flow passage elements of slurry pumps. For example, for pumps pumping clean water, the impeller outlet width B2 is n, and D. For slurry pumps, it is impossible to determine the size based on statistical data.

2. Impeller outlet diameter and calculation example

Based on the statistical analysis of the test data, the outlet diameter D2 of the impeller can be calculated. The relationship between the relative diameter D2/D of the impeller and the specific speed n can be obtained by the following methods.

Head for Determining Optimum Flow Rate of Pump

Because the tangential velocity c2u = kuu2 at the outlet of the impeller is obtained at a given working condition.


The original data of pump design are flow rate, head and impeller speed, so the specific speed and unit diameter of pump are often known.

When designing pumps for pumping abrasive solid-liquid mixtures, the size of solid particles, i.e. the minimum size of the cross section, is also given.

Because the diameter of impeller is related to outlet width b 2, blade number Z and outlet angular wind at given flow rate, head and speed, the size of cross-section has an important influence on coefficient K 2. The coefficient K2 determines the main size of the pump, namely the impeller diameter D2.


The impeller for pumping abrasive solid-liquid mixture pump is generally designed in this way, that is, the minimum cross-section is between the blades at the impeller entrance (in the plan), which is mainly determined by the number of blades. Therefore, it can be considered that the number of blades is the most representative index of the flow passage cross-section size, that is, the size of the flow passage cross-section of the pump. Solid particles of a certain size can pass through this section freely.

The hydraulic efficiency and coefficient K2 of the pump depend on the following parameters of the impeller: width, number of blades, blade inlet angle and outlet angle. However, the most representative index is the number of blades when the data of pumps are statistically sorted out. In addition, the hydraulic efficiency of the pump also depends on the size and form of the pressure chamber. Specific speed can be used to estimate the size of the calculated section and the hydraulic loss in the pressure chamber. In a word, the hydraulic efficiency of the pump can be estimated. According to the reasons mentioned above, the following methods are used to collect the test data of the pump.

(1) All pumps are divided into three groups, depending on the size of the cross section, i.e. the number of blades: z = 4, z = 3, z = 2.

(2) Within each group, hydraulic efficiency is only a function of specific speed to a certain approximation degree, and the relation _Xn/3 is statistically sorted out with specific speed n as a function.


In each range, according to the statistics of three groups of pumps, the relationship D Xn?0=f(n,) is linear approximation, because the linear correlation coefficient is 0.85-0.9, and the regression equation is in the following form:

For pumps with two blades with impellers (when n, = 70-210)

For pumps with three blades with impellers (when n, = 75-200)



The circumferential velocity of impeller door U2 = D:n/60, so




Pumps with four blades in impeller




By using the obtained formula of roughly selected impeller diameter, the calculation can be carried out with an error of 2.5%.


In addition, the outlet diameter of the impeller can be calculated according to the formula in document 188. For the impeller with three blades


For impellers with four blades


Although these two formulas are simplified in structure, the accuracy of determining impeller diameter D2 is lower than that of formula (3-4-1)~formula (3-4-3).


Now an example is given. The impeller diameter is chosen by using the optimal parameters of the given pump: Q = 3000m3/h, H = 40m, n = 600r/min. The impellers of two, three and four blades are calculated.


The specific speed of the pump is ns.


Unit direct Dq is


By using formula (3-4-1) ~ (3-4-3), the outlet diameter of impeller can be calculated. At this time, for two blades of impeller


Thus, for the impeller with three blades


Thus, for the impeller with four blades


3. Other parameters of impeller


Increasing the number of impeller blades will reduce the diameter of the impeller D2, but at this time the flow passage cross section between the blades (in)


The mouth area) also decreases.


The outlet width of impeller should be chosen according to the required cross-section size of passage, so it is not used in pumping solid-liquid mixture pump.


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