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最早提出離心概念的是法國工程師Papin,他在1689年發明了可以稱之為離心泵雛形的一種機器,并1750制造了第一臺適用于提升液體的泵。該泵采用了多葉片的葉輪和蝸形體的泵殼。法國著名數學家歐拉1750對離心泵的流動進行了理論分析,為離心泵的發展奠定了基礎。1818年作為離心發展史上一個轉折點,在美國的Massachusetts開始批量生產離心泵。1851 Jamee Stu Grwme在英國獲得多級離心泵發明專利,英科學家J.Tomsom采用導葉提高的效率。20世紀初在汽輪機的全盛時期,泵幾乎全是往復式的。1904KSB公司提供鍋爐繪水用高壓離心系系列1905年蘇爾壽兄弟工廠開始了多級串聯高壓泵的批量生產。


19世紀活塞式壓縮機幾乎成了唯一型式的壓縮機。 但由于活塞式壓編機存在單機量小、機器笨重和易損件多等缺點,離心式壓機和軸流式壓縮機才迅發展起來,1900法國拉托廠首先制造了第臺高爐鼓風用離心式壓縮機 ,幾年后在歐洲和美國便出現了離心式壓縮機的批量生產。離心式壓編機的主要優點是單機容量大,量輕、體積小和結構單等,為生產大型化提供了條件。隨著高壓離心式壓縮機的有關關鍵技術的進展,世界許多廠家已能生產出排氣壓力達( 280~340)x 10Pa或更高的高壓離心式壓縮機。從進氣流量范圍看,離心式壓縮機在80-6000m3/min的流量范圍內得到了廣泛應用。

Development of slurry pump and compressor

The concept of centrifugal pump was first proposed by Papin, a French engineer. He invented a machine that can be called the prototype of centrifugal pump in 1689, and made the first pump suitable for lifting liquid in 1750. The pump adopts multi blade impeller and volute pump shell. Euler, a famous French mathematician, made a theoretical analysis on the flow of centrifugal pump in 1750, which laid a foundation for the development of centrifugal pump. In 1818, as a turning point in the history of centrifugal pump development, mass production of centrifugal pump began in the United States. In 1851, jamee stu grwme obtained a patent for invention of multistage centrifugal pump in the UK, and J. tomsom, a British scientist, used guide vanes to improve the efficiency of the pump. In the heyday of steam turbines in the early 20th century, pumps were almost entirely reciprocating. In 1904, KSB company provided a series of high-pressure centrifugal systems for boiler water drawing. In 1905, Sulzer brothers factory started the batch production of multistage series high-pressure pumps.

With the application of mechanical manufacturing technology and computer technology, pumps have been greatly developed in the world. At present, there are more than 5000 kinds of pump products in the world. Pump products have reached a new level in large capacity, high speed, high efficiency, automation and reliability. In the theoretical research of the pump, the computational fluid dynamics method is often used to simulate the actual flow and analyze the flow loss. At the same time, metal materials and non-metal materials have been widely used in the pump industry, effectively improving the pump's ability of corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high and low temperature resistance and impact resistance. Due to the requirements of environmental protection and safety, the reliability of the pump and the requirements of low leakage are also increasing. The common mechanical seal is close to the limit of development, and the magnetic drive pump and magnetic coupling have developed rapidly. At the same time, magnetic fluid seal technology has the trend of replacing magnetic drive pump and double face seal. The screw pump is developing towards the direction of large flow and high pressure. Slurry pump

In the 19th century, the piston compressor became almost the only type of compressor. However, due to the shortcomings of piston compressor, such as small capacity of single machine, bulky machine and many wearing parts, centrifugal compressor and axial-flow compressor have developed rapidly. The first centrifugal compressor for blast furnace blast was manufactured in 1900 lato factory in France. A few years later, the batch production of centrifugal compressor appeared in Europe and the United States. The main advantages of centrifugal press are large capacity, light weight, small volume and simple structure, which provide conditions for large-scale production. With the development of key technologies of high-pressure centrifugal compressor, many manufacturers in the world have been able to produce high-pressure centrifugal compressor with discharge pressure of (280 ~ 340) x 10Pa or higher. From the view of intake flow range, centrifugal compressor has been widely used in the flow range of 80-6000 m3 / min.

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