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泵和壓縮機是將原動機所做的功轉換成被輸送流體壓力能和動能的流體機械,其中輸送液體介質并提高其能頭的機械稱為泵:輸送氣體介質并提高其能頭的機械按輸出壓力的大小又可分為通風機(全壓小于11. 375kPRa)、數風機(全壓為11.375~241.600kPa)和壓縮機(全壓大于241.600kPa)。通常所說的流體機包括泵、機、水輪機和蒸汽輪機等,而不包括從流體所帶的化學能中獲取機械能的內燃機和由流體膨脹過程中熱能轉換為機械能的燃氣輪機等。本書主要介紹流體機械中的泵和壓縮機。

泵和壓縮機的用途十分廣泛。幾乎及工業、農業各個生產領域,如礦山、冶金、機械、石油化工、國防、交通和農田灌溉等,所以泵和壓縮機又是通用機械。在石油化工生產中,其原料、半成品和成品大多是流體, 因此泵和壓縮機在生產中占有更重要的地位。

泵和壓縮機種類繁多,按其作用原理可分為兩大類如圖0-1與圖0- 2所示。



Classification of slurry pumps and compressors

Fluid machinery refers to the mechanical equipment which transforms the energy of fluid and the work done by machinery. Fluid machinery is divided into two categories: one is to use the energy of the fluid to work on the machinery, so as to provide power (for example, water turbine uses the energy of water, steam turbine uses the energy of steam to drive the generator to generate electricity; gas turbine and jet engine use the energy of gas to provide power), also known as fluid power machinery. The other is to transfer the energy of the prime mover to the fluid through the fluid machinery, so as to improve the energy of the fluid, mainly including pumps, compressors, etc.

Pumps and compressors are fluid machines that convert the work done by the prime mover into the pressure energy and kinetic energy of the fluid being transported. The machines that transport the liquid medium and improve its energy head are called pumps. The machines that transport the gas medium and improve its energy head can be divided into fans (total pressure is less than 11.375kpra), fans (total pressure is 11.375-241.600kpa) and compressors (total pressure is more than 241.60) according to the output pressure 0kPa). Generally speaking, fluid machinery includes pumps, compressors, water turbines and steam turbines, etc., excluding the internal combustion engines that obtain mechanical energy from the chemical energy carried by the fluid and the gas turbines that convert heat energy into mechanical energy in the process of fluid expansion. This book mainly introduces pumps and compressors in fluid machinery.

Pumps and compressors are widely used. Almost all over the industrial and agricultural production fields, such as mining, metallurgy, machinery, petrochemical industry, national defense, transportation and farmland irrigation, so pumps and compressors are general machinery. In petrochemical production, the raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are mostly fluids, so pumps and compressors play a more important role in the production.

There are many kinds of pumps and compressors. According to their working principle, they can be divided into two categories as shown in Figure 0-1 and figure 0-2.

Volume type relies on the periodic change of working volume to realize the pressurization and transportation of fluid. Among them, the piston type relies on the reciprocating motion of the piston in the cylinder to realize the periodic change of the working volume, such as reciprocating pump and piston compressor; the diaphragm type belongs to the hydraulic drive, which uses the diaphragm to replace the role of the piston; the rotary type relies on the rotary motion of the rotor in the cylinder to achieve the periodic change of the working volume, such as the sliding vane pump and the sliding vane compressor, the screw pump and the screw Rod compressor, gear pump, etc.

Vane type is a kind of energy head which transfers mechanical energy to fluid medium and transforms it into fluid by rotating working impeller. According to the flow direction of medium in impeller, it is mainly divided into centrifugal and axial flow, such as centrifugal pump, centrifugal compressor, axial pump and axial compressor.

Jet type can also be considered as velocity type, but it has no impeller, and depends on the energy of one medium to transport another fluid medium, such as jet pump.

These machines have their own characteristics and are suitable for different production conditions. At present, the applicable scope of commonly used pumps and compressors can be referred to

Figure 0-3 and figure 0-4. Slurry pump manufacturer

As far as pumps are concerned, centrifugal pumps are widely used in oil and gas storage and transportation engineering due to their advantages of simple structure, small volume, light weight, stable operation, stable flow, wide range of performance parameters, easy manufacture and maintenance. In the aspect of compressor, piston compressor is still the most popular because of its low energy consumption, strong adaptability and flexibility. This book focuses on the basic principles of centrifugal pumps, centrifugal compressors and piston compressors, and only briefly introduces other types of pumps and compressors.

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