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How is pump mine metal recovered?

The grade of PGM ore is very low, so it is difficult to extract directly. It often needs to be treated and enriched step by step to obtain its concentrate and then further separate and purify it to get pure metal. Therefore, enrichment is the key to the extraction of PGMS, and the extraction process of PGMS is usually a complex process with other metals as the main recovery object.

(1) beneficiation and enrichment of PGMS

The beneficiation and enrichment process of platinum group metals is similar to that of gold and silver ores

Flotation, gravity separation and their combined processes are commonly used for the beneficiation and enrichment of platinum group metals.

(2) fire enrichment of platinum group metals

Platinum group metals are easy to form alloys or intermetallics with other transition metals, and they are sulfur friendly but not oxygen friendly (except osmium and nails are easy to oxidize and volatilize), so they can be separated from other substances by high temperature chemical reaction. There are two common methods: smelting and volatilization.

(3) leaching and enrichment of platinum group metals

Leaching is a common method for the enrichment and extraction of platinum group metals. The key point is to dissolve the non precious metal components into the leaching solution and separate them from the leached residue enriched with precious metals, or to let the precious metals into the solution and separate them from the refractory substances (such as silicate, silica and other oxides). In order to improve the leaching efficiency, it is sometimes necessary to increase roasting or other pretreatment processes and pressure leaching and other strengthening means.

(4) enrichment and extraction of copper nickel sulfide ore containing platinum group metals

Before 1936, PGMs were mainly extracted from placers with simple technology. Modern platinum group metals are mainly extracted from copper nickel sulfide ore containing platinum, and there are many extraction processes.

① smelting enrichment of copper nickel sulfide ore containing platinum.

② treatment of copper nickel matte. Copper nickel high matte is the co melt of nickel and copper sulfide. In the early stage, the "top and bottom method" was used, that is, sodium sulfide was used to treat high matte, so that the liquid copper sulfide was melted into the top layer of sodium sulfide, while the heavier nickel sulfide remained in the bottom layer, after cooling, the two layers could be separated by impact, and the platinum group metals were enriched in the bottom layer and recovered from the electrolytic anode mud. In the later stage, the high matte was developed into high matte through grinding flotation and selective leaching And pressure leaching. Slurry pump manufacturer

③ electrolytic enrichment. Electrolysis is the traditional enrichment method of precious metals. Not only crude metals and alloys, but even matte can be treated by electrolysis (or electrolysis) to enrich precious metals in anode slime. However, precious metals are prone to electrolytic loss in this process, so electrolysis is not a good way to extract platinum group elements.

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