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國際市場上的商品鉑族金屬一般為金屬錠或海綿狀、棒狀、片狀,也有條帶狀、絲狀或狀。商品級的產品含鉑族元素不得低于99. 8%,其中含鉑和鈀必須大于99. 5%。用于實驗器皿或電接頭的鉑族金屬原料要求純度大于99. 9%,用于熱電偶和高溫計者純度須在99.999%以上。
    目前我國已在選冶過程中綜合回收與銅鎳硫化物伴生的鉑族金屬。金川的鉑族元素礦物有數十種。鉑礦物和含鉑的礦物有砷鉑礦、自然鉑與金屬互化物(鉑金礦、鉑金鈀礦)等,鈀礦物和含鈀的礦物有鈀金礦、單斜鉍鈀礦、鉍碲鈀礦與含鈀自然鉍等。砷鉑礦與金屬互化物占鉑礦物的90%以上。砷鉑礦粒度0. 042~ 1mm,0.1~0.3mm最多見。以礦物形態存在的鉑在銅鎳富礦中占92%~99%,在貧礦中占83%~94%。鈀也主要以礦物的形式存在。銠、銥、鋨、釕主要存在于磁黃鐵礦、鎳黃鐵礦、紫硫鎳鐵礦與黃銅礦中(為原礦的10余倍)。
    銅鎳富礦的選礦流程采用一段粗選直接產出部分合格精礦,二、三段粗選精礦集中精選的流程,通過合理球磨,采用合適的旋流器分級,使小于0.074mm的粒度在一、二、三段分別達到55%、70%80%,提高了礦物單體解離度。Ni回收率穩定在89%~90%,Cu回收率82%~85%,Pt、Pd回收率達80%以上,富集比(3~4): 1。Ru、Rh、Os、Ir的回收率近70%。
    貧礦石采用另套流程, 回收率: Cu41%、Ni55%以上, 但鉑族金屬的回收率不高,除鉑回收率達70%外,其余回收率均不足50%。渣漿泵廠家
    銅鎳混合精礦用火法熔煉,用轉爐吹煉得到高锍,使貴金屬在熔煉階段被金屬相捕集。當高锍中銅鎳比為0.3: 1、合金產率為10%時,從中可回收95%以上的貴金屬。合金中的貴金屬含量比高锍中高10倍,合金經處理后得到更富的二次銅鎳合金,其中鉑族金屬與金含量可達2500g/t。二次金經鹽酸浸出鎳,控電位氯化與鎳,經硫酸浸金屬和四氯乙希脫硫,得到12%左右的貴金屬精礦,再進一步分離提純。

What are the requirements of the slurry pump platinum group metal industry?

The commodity platinum group metals on the international market are generally ingots, sponges, bars and flakes, and also strip, filiform or foil. Products of commercial grade shall contain at least 99.8% of platinum group elements, of which platinum and palladium shall contain at least 99.5%. The purity of platinum group metals used in experimental utensils or electrical joints is required to be more than 99.9%, and that of thermocouples and pyrometers is required to be more than 99.999%.

At present, platinum group metals associated with copper nickel sulfide have been recovered comprehensively in the process of beneficiation and smelting in China. There are dozens of PGE minerals in Jinchuan. Platinum minerals and platinum bearing minerals include arsenic platinum ore, natural platinum and metal compounds (platinum gold, platinum palladium ore), palladium minerals and palladium bearing minerals include palladium gold ore, monoclinic bismuth palladium ore, bismuth tellurium palladium ore and palladium bearing natural bismuth, etc. More than 90% of the platinum minerals are composed of arsenopyrite and metal complexes. The particle size of arsenopyrite is 0.042-1mm, and the most common is 0.1-0.3mm. Platinum in mineral form accounts for 92% ~ 99% of copper nickel rich ore and 83% ~ 94% of poor ore. Palladium also exists mainly in the form of minerals. Rhodium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium are mainly found in pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite and chalcopyrite (more than 10 times of the original ore).

In the beneficiation process of Cu Ni rich ore, the first stage roughing is used to directly produce part of qualified concentrate, and the second and third stage roughing concentrate are concentrated. Through reasonable ball milling and proper cyclone classification, the particle size of less than 0.074mm can reach 55%, 70% and 80% respectively in the first, second and third stages, which improves the mineral monomer dissociation degree. The recovery of Ni is stable at 89% ~ 90%, the recovery of Cu is 82% ~ 85%, the recovery of Pt and PD is over 80%, and the enrichment ratio is (3 ~ 4): 1. The recoveries of Ru, Rh, OS, IR are nearly 70%.

The recovery rate of lean ore is more than cu41% and ni55%, but the recovery rate of PGMS is not high. Except for the platinum recovery rate of 70%, the other recovery rates are less than 50%. Slurry pump manufacturer

The mixed concentrate of copper and nickel is smelted by fire method and blown by converter to obtain high matte, which makes precious metals trapped by metal phase in smelting stage. When the ratio of copper to nickel is 0.3:1 and the alloy yield is 10%, more than 95% of the precious metals can be recovered. The content of precious metals in the alloy is 10 times higher than that in high matte, and the alloy is treated to get a richer secondary Cu Ni alloy, in which the platinum group metals and gold content can reach 2500 g / T. The secondary alloy leached nickel by hydrochloric acid, copper and nickel were leached by potentiometric chlorination, base metal and tetrachloroethylene desulfuration were removed by concentrated sulfuric acid leaching, and precious metal concentrate of about 12% Pt Pd was obtained, and then further separation and purification were carried out.

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