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北京某單位, 使用2臺空調系統的冷卻系,泵的流量200m3/h,揚程32m,軸功率21.26kW。


解決過程:現場觀察到泵的出口壓力確為0. 14MPa,即泵的揚程僅為14m,但電流卻很大,達到了50A,而按泵的軸功率21.26kW計算應為40A左右。當泵關死閥門后泵出口壓力能達到泵的關死點揚程。再進一步觀察到,泵出口穩壓罐的壓力也是0. 14MPa,但回水罐的壓力為0.12MPa,經過空調的冷卻系統后,壓力僅下降了0. 02MPa。根據上述情況判斷認為空調冷卻系統安裝有問題,冷卻水未進入空調冷卻系統,即短路。出口的水直接回到了進口,也就是說未帶上負荷。但安裝公司不同意這個觀點,認為是泵達不到性能所致。應先解決泵的問題。在設計院,用戶,安裝公司及泵廠共同商定下,決定關小泵出口閥門到泵的額定揚程值,然后用超聲波流量計測量來的流量,結果流量為198m3/h, 基本達到系的額定流量200m3/h證實了上面分析是正確的,安裝公司只得承認承沒有問題,他們只好重新檢查管路系統。渣漿泵廠家

A unit in Beijing uses two cooling systems of air conditioning system, with a flow of 200m3 / h, a lift of 32m and a shaft power of 21.26kw.

The pump is installed in such a way that there is a large pressure stabilizing tank at the outlet of the system, which is delivered to the required cooling air conditioning system from the pressure stabilizing tank, and then returned to a return water tank, and then returned to the inlet of the pump from the return water tank, such a closed circulation system. During the commissioning, it was found that the outlet pressure of the pump was only 0.14MPa, and the pump could not meet the requirement of 32m rated head. The user thought that the pump was unqualified.

Solution process: it is observed that the outlet pressure of the pump is indeed 0.14MPa, that is, the lift of the pump is only 14m, but the current is very large, reaching 50a, which should be about 40A according to the calculation of the shaft power of the pump of 21.26kw. When the pump closes the valve, the outlet pressure of the pump can reach the head of the pump's closing dead point. It is further observed that the pressure of the surge tank at the pump outlet is also 0.14MPa, but the pressure of the return water tank is 0.12mpa. After the cooling system of the air conditioner, the pressure only drops by 0.02MPa. According to the above conditions, it is judged that there is a problem in the installation of the air conditioning cooling system, and the cooling water does not enter the air conditioning cooling system, that is, short circuit. The water from the outlet goes directly back to the inlet, that is to say, without load. However, the installation company disagrees with this view, believing that it is due to the pump's failure to achieve performance. The problem of the pump should be solved first. Under the agreement of the Design Institute, users, installation company and pump factory, it was decided to turn off the rated head value from the outlet valve of the pump to the pump, and then measure the flow with ultrasonic flowmeter, the result flow was 198m3 / h, basically reaching the rated flow of 200m3 / h of the system, which confirmed that the above analysis was correct. The installation company had to admit that there was no problem, so they had to recheck the pipeline system.

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