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本節介紹一些現場的泵故障分析排除的實例,這些實例雖然都是一些個例, 但通過這些例子的介紹可以給大家對泵故障分析排除的些思路和方法。



[1] 包頭一玻璃廠,使用2IS200-150-400型單級單吸離心泵,用作冷卻循環泵,泵的流量400m3/h,揚程50m,軸功率67. 2kW。



從上面的現象分析,泵的揚程只有20m, 電流只有65A。但軸功率67.2kW時,電流應為150A左右,泵的流量又小,但關死點揚程正常,所以判斷為泵進口堵塞。但用戶不同意這個判斷。理由是吸水池清澈,能看到池底,哪有勝物堵塞泵。當時確實也感到有些疑惑不解,水如此干凈拿什么堵?但根據上述現象分析泵進水是倒灘,不可能是汽蝕、 漏氣,只能是泵進口堵塞。在找不到別的原因的情況下,用戶只好同意我們意見打開系的進口檢查,卻發現了一個編織袋堵在了葉輪的進口上。清除編織袋后,一切正常了。原來因為吸水池是開激式的,有人隨意扔進了編織袋,吸入了泵內。渣漿泵廠家

Trouble analysis and troubleshooting of pump

This section introduces some on-site examples of pump failure analysis and troubleshooting. Although these examples are all examples, they can give you some ideas and methods of pump failure analysis and troubleshooting through the introduction of these examples.

Pump use site is often very complex. There are many kinds of fault causes, that is to say, for a very experienced person, sometimes it is also difficult to find the real fault cause after careful observation, analysis and calculation.

First of all, prepare some data of the pump, such as instructions, samples, performance curves, general assembly drawings, etc., which are very useful for analyzing problems. When arriving at the site, it is necessary to carefully observe and understand the device condition, process flow, operation process, installation condition, electrical equipment condition, operation condition and value of various instruments of the pump, and then use some basic knowledge of the pump for analysis and necessary calculation, so as to easily get the cause of pump failure and eliminate it.

[example 1] two is200-150-400 single-stage single suction centrifugal pumps are used in Baotou No.1 glass factory as cooling circulating pumps. The flow of the pumps is 400m3 / h, the lift is 50m, and the shaft power is 67.2kw.

The device of the pump is as follows: the pump enters water from the bottom of a large water absorption tank, then it is pumped to the system requiring cooling in the glass making process, and finally it returns to the water absorption tank for cooling. The user reported that the pump outlet pressure was low and the pump flow was small, which could not meet the cooling needs in the glass production process.

Solution process: it was observed on site that the outlet pressure of the pump was less than 0.2MPa, the current value was only 65A, no flowmeter was installed, so the flow value could not be measured, but the flow back to the sump was obviously smaller. When the pump outlet valve is closed, the pump outlet pressure reaches the pump's closed dead point lift.

From the above analysis, the head of the pump is only 20 m, and the current is only 65 a. However, when the shaft power is 67.2kw, the current should be about 150A, the flow of the pump is small, but the head of the dead point is normal, so it is judged that the pump inlet is blocked. But the user disagrees with this judgment. The reason is that the suction pool is clear, and you can see the bottom of the pool, where is the winner blocking the pump. At that time, I did feel puzzled. What kind of water should be blocked when the water is so clean? But according to the above analysis, the water in the pump is poured into the beach, which can't be cavitation or air leakage, only the inlet of the pump is blocked. In case of no other reason, the user had to agree with us to open the inlet inspection of the system, but found a woven bag blocked on the inlet of the impeller. After removing the woven bag, everything was OK. Originally, because the suction tank is open-ended, someone threw it into the woven bag at will and inhaled it into the pump. Slurry pump manufacturer

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