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泵在啟動前一定要進行一 次仔細的檢查,尤其是對新安裝的泵,主要是檢查以下方面:













對輸送高溫液體的泵要注意開泵前暖泵,暖泵時每小時溫升不應大于50C,并每隔5 ~10min盤車半圈。


Preparation and inspection before starting the slurry pump

1. Inspection before starting the pump

Before starting the pump, a careful inspection must be carried out, especially for the newly installed pump, mainly including the following aspects:

(1) check whether the coupling of pump and prime mover is on the same axis, and check the clearance between the two couplings;

(2) turning by hand, whether the rotation is uniform and flexible, whether there is deflection or friction;

(3) check whether there is anything hindering the operation around the pump and prime mover;

(4) check the oil level and quality of the bearing;

(5) check whether the foundation bolts and other bolts are tightened;

(6) it is important to check whether the rotation direction of the prime mover meets the rotation direction required by the pump, especially for the newly installed pump. The method is to disconnect the coupling, jog the prime mover, and see the rotation direction of the coupling. Generally, there is a turning plate on the pump. If there is no turning plate, for the volute pump, it can be judged from the shape, that is, the rotation direction should be from the small to the large direction of the shell. If you look at the blade of the impeller, that is, the direction of rotation in which the liquid can enter the flow passage when the blade rotates:

(7) open and check whether the cooling and flushing pipelines, lubricating oil pipelines are smooth, and whether the water pressure and oil pressure are normal:

(8) check the opening of outlet valve (centrifugal pump shall be closed and axial flow pump shall be opened):

(9) check electrical equipment.

(10) check the water level and cleanliness of the water inlet tank.

2. Water filling or vacuum pumping before startup

In addition to the self-priming pump or the pump with impeller immersed in liquid, the pump needs to be filled with liquid or started by vacuum pumping (the self-priming pump also needs to be filled with liquid in the pump body), and it must not be started without liquid dry in the pump. When filling liquid, pay attention to full air release. The vent shall be set at the highest level.

3. warm pump

For the pump conveying high temperature liquid, pay attention to warm up the pump before starting the pump. When warming up the pump, the temperature rise per hour shall not be greater than 50c, and the pump shall be turned for half a circle every 5-10min.

Two. Start pump.

When starting the pump, do not stand before the pump and prime mover, especially avoid the coupling, and prevent the high-pressure water pump from leaking and hurting people. After starting the pump, open the outlet gate valve to the rated pressure or flow (the valve shall not be closed for more than 3min), and pay close attention to the operation of the pump. In case of any abnormality, stop the pump immediately to check the cause, and then open it after troubleshooting. Slurry pump

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