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渣漿泵管路安裝前應檢查管子和附件的規格、尺寸和質量。尤其對高壓管路,管子的承壓能力一定要符合要求, 必要時要做水壓強度試驗。
一、 管路口徑的選擇

1. 法蘭盤連接

在每節管的兩頭有法蘭盤,用螺栓將法蘭盤連接,兩法蘭盤之間夾有一層 2 -4mm厚的橡膠板或石棉板。法蘭的結構和尺寸按壓力的不同而不同,按其壓力的大小選取其結構、材料和尺寸。這種連接方法可承受較大的壓力,裝拆也比較方便,但結構較為復雜。 法蘭盤

接時,內口及的內齊,不要錯位。的內口不能小于管徑。以免影響液體的流動,所以常將兩個法蘭的外徑做成相同大小,可用外圓來找正。安裝時,兩法蘭面要清洗干凈,螺栓擰緊時, 應對稱擰緊,并且每條螺栓擰緊的力要均勻,以防止法蘭面歪斜而造成漏水或漏氣。
    在每節管子兩頭都有一段螺紋, 然后用一個帶螺紋的管箍連接起來。連接時,在螺紋上繞一點麻,涂上鉛油,或繞四氟薄帶,要注意繞麻或四氟薄帶的方向應與螺紋方向一致,否則麻或四氟帶會吃不進去。先用手認上扣,再用管鉗或鏈鉗擰緊。螺紋連接一般用于口徑不大、壓力不太高的情況,常用以口徑150mm以下的管路連接。
    管子的兩頭,頭為大頭, 一頭為小頭,大頭向前,將管子的小頭插 子的大頭中,
四周鑲城接頭填料。連接時小頭的頂端與大頭內的支承端面之間應圖有3 -8mm的間,以便伸縮。同時還應注意,小頭插大頭內與大頭內壁之間的間應均勻, 為保證均勻,可用幾根鍥子塞在環狀空中定位,在空隙中嵌塞接頭填料。接頭填料通常用油麻繩或石棉水泥做成一束一束,每束4~6條,每束的粗細略粗于環狀空隙,并均勻一致,如圖6-6所示。在缺乏填料時,可以用桐油石灰代,待實后,再把接口處上混凝墊層,或隔一定距離設置支墩來支承管子的重量和固定管路的位置。


在安裝前。先把管子接口處外壁及套壁鑿毛,但在填嵌油的部位不,安裝時要校正好管路的位置和高度,用泥漿石片做管子的層,在澆灌墊層時,接口處也要留一段不澆,便于接頭嵌塞填料用。填料般用石棉、 水泥 和油麻繩,油麻繩塞在中間,兩頭用石棉、水泥填塞,如圖6-7所示。石棉、水泥比例般為石棉30% ,水泥70%。封口接好后,要注意保養,一般需14天左右,冬天還要注意防凍?;炷刻坠苓B接一般只用于壓力極低或無壓情況下的引水管之用,泵的進出水管路上很少用,絕不允許用于泵的進水管。渣漿泵廠家

Before the installation of slurry pump pipeline, the specification, size and quality of pipes and accessories shall be checked. Especially for the high-pressure pipeline, the pressure bearing capacity of the pipe must meet the requirements, and the hydraulic strength test shall be conducted when necessary.

I. selection of pipe diameter

The smaller the diameter of the pipeline, the lower the purchase cost of the pipeline, and the more convenient the installation. However, the smaller the diameter, the greater the flow rate and the resistance loss, and the uneconomical operation, especially for the water inlet pipeline. If the diameter is too small, it is easy to cause cavitation of the pump. Therefore, the selection of pipe diameter should take into account the cost of first purchase, long-term operation cost and operation reliability. Generally, the flow rate is 2.5-4.5m/s, usually 3m / S is more appropriate, and the flow rate of outlet pipe can be higher.

II. Pipeline connection method

1. Flange connection

There are flange plates at both ends of each section of pipe, which are connected by bolts. A layer of 2-4mm thick rubber plate or asbestos plate is sandwiched between the two flange plates. The structure and size of flange are different according to the pressure, and the structure, material and size are selected according to the pressure. This connection method can bear large pressure and is convenient to assemble and disassemble, but its structure is complex. Flange plate

When connecting, the inner mouth of the pipe and the inner mouth of the pad shall be aligned without dislocation. The inner opening of the pad shall not be smaller than the pipe diameter. In order to avoid affecting the flow of liquid, the outer diameter of the two flanges is often made into the same size, which can be aligned with the outer circle. During installation, the two flange surfaces shall be cleaned. When tightening the bolts, they shall be weighed and tightened. The tightening force of each bolt shall be even to prevent water leakage or air leakage caused by flange surface deflection.

2. Threaded connection

There is a section of thread at both ends of each section of pipe, and then it is connected with a threaded hoop. When connecting, wrap a bit of hemp around the thread, apply lead oil, or wrap Teflon thin strip. Pay attention that the direction of winding hemp or Teflon thin strip should be the same as the thread direction, otherwise the hemp or Teflon strip will not eat in. First, confirm the buckle by hand, and then tighten it with pipe tongs or chain tongs. Threaded connection is generally used for the case of small diameter and low pressure. It is commonly used for the pipeline connection with diameter less than 150 mm.

3. Socket pipe connection

The two ends of the pipe are big end and one end is small end. The big end is forward. Insert the small end of the pipe into the big end of the pipe,

Surrounding inlaid city joint filler. When connecting, there should be a clearance of 3-8mm between the top of the small head and the supporting end face in the large head to facilitate expansion. At the same time, it should be noted that the gap between the small head inserted into the big head and the inner wall of the big head should be uniform. To ensure uniformity, several wedge plugs can be used to locate in the annular gap, and joint filler can be inserted in the gap. The joint filler is usually made of a bundle of hemp rope or asbestos cement, with 4-6 pieces in each bundle. The thickness of each bundle is slightly larger than the annular space, and it is uniform, as shown in Figure 6-6. In case of lack of filler, it can also be replaced by tung oil lime. After the interface is filled, the concrete cushion shall be poured on the interface, or piers shall be set every certain distance to support the weight of the pipe and fix the position of the pipeline.

4. Concrete pipe sleeve joint connection

Before installation. First roughen the outer wall of the pipe joint and the inner wall of the casing, but do not roughen the part filled with oil hemp rope. During installation, correct the position and height of the pipe. Use mud stone as the cushion of the pipe. When pouring the cushion, leave a section of the joint not to be poured for the convenience of joint plugging. Generally, asbestos, cement and hemp rope are used as fillers. The hemp rope is plugged in the middle and the two ends are filled with asbestos and cement, as shown in Figure 6-7. The proportion of asbestos and cement is generally 30% and 70% respectively. After sealing, pay attention to maintenance, generally about 14 days, and pay attention to antifreeze in winter. Generally, the connection of coagulant casing is only used for the water diversion pipe under the condition of extremely low pressure or no pressure, and the inlet and outlet water pipes of the pump are rarely used, so it is not allowed to be used for the water inlet pipe of the pump. Slurry pump manufacturer

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