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浮選+浮選精礦 氯化。將含金銀石英脈的硫化礦經過評選得到少量精礦,再進行氧化處理。浮選精礦氧化與全泥氰化流程相




混汞-重選聯合流程。此流程包括先混汞后重選或先重選后混兩個方案。 先混后重流程適用于處想簡單含金石英球硫化物礦石,先用混法回收粒游寬金,然后用重選選出含金的重金屬硫化物精礦.先重法后混汞流程適用于處理金粒,但表面被染或被氧化膜包不宜直接混的礦,以及含金低的砂金礦石。重砂精礦必要時須經磨礦擦洗,待金粒表面潔凈時方可混汞。
    直接(全泥)流程。金以細?;?/span>細粒分散狀態產出于石英質脈石礦物中,礦石氧化程度較深,并不含Cu As、Sr、Bi及含碳物質。這樣的礦石最適用于采用直接氰化法處理。其優點是化物消耗少,浸出率高,生產效率高,過程易于自動控制。缺點是次基建投資費用高,全部物料需細磨到小于0. 074mm或更細,電能消耗大。


37耗氰化劑型復 雜礦石的處理流程是什么?

What are the other technological processes of gold placer dressing?

The separation principle of placer gold is to use gravity separation to recover gold and its associated heavy minerals from the raw ore to the maximum extent, and then use gravity separation, flotation, mercury mixing, inductive separation, electric separation and other combined actions to separate gold and heavy minerals from each other to achieve the purpose of comprehensive recovery. The technological process of gold placer separation is usually divided into three operations.

① ore washing operation. The cemented ore sand will be separated by soaking, washing with water and agitating with Mecheng, and the gravel, sand and clay will be separated, and the clay and gold particles adhered to the gravel will be cleaned. The ore washing operation includes three processes: crushing, screening and desliming.

② roughing operation. According to the technological process and the main equipment used, it can be divided into fixed chute shaker process, fixed or tape movable chute jig shaker process, multi-stage jig shaker process, centrifugal disc separator shaker process, etc.

③ selected work. The gold content of the concentrate is about 100g / T and the heavy minerals are mostly 1 ~ 2kg / T. At present, the following methods are mainly used for the treatment of gold bearing coarse concentrate: manually panning out gold particles with a gold pan and then discarding the heavy sand; mixing mercury in a mercury mixing cylinder and discarding the heavy sand after obtaining the mercury paste; after manually panning or extracting gold with mixed mercury, the heavy sand is sent to the concentration plant for treatment, and various heavy sand minerals are recovered by magnetic electric separation and other methods.

35 What are the common flotation processes for gold and silver ores?

The selection of flotation process flow is usually determined according to the properties of chrysotile and the specifications of products. The common principle process flow is as follows.

① flotation + flotation concentrate chlorination. The sulfide ore containing gold and silver quartz vein was selected to get a small amount of concentrate, and then oxidized. Flotation concentrate oxidation and all slime cyanidation process phase

It has the advantages of no need to finely grind all ores, saving power consumption, small workshop area and capital investment.

② flotation + concentrate roasting + calcine cyanidation. This process is often used to deal with refractory gold arsenic ore, gold antimony ore and sulfide containing the highest gold pyrite. The purpose of roasting is to remove arsenic, antimony and other elements harmful to the cyaniding process.

③ flotation + flotation concentrate fire treatment. The vast majority of gold and silver containing polymetallic sulphide mines are treated with this scheme. In flotation of such ores, gold and silver enter into the copper concentrate or lead concentrate closely associated with them. The product is called copper gold and silver concentrate or lead gold and silver concentrate, and then it is sent to the smelter for recovery of gold and silver.

④ flotation + flotation tailings or middle ore cyanidation + flotation concentrate roasting cyanidation. This scheme is used to treat quartz sulfide ore or auriferous pyrite and pyrrhotite ore containing gold, silver, copper and other sulfide minerals. The floatable gold telluride in the ore is first produced as concentrate, and then in order to expose the gold and silver ore in sulfide ore or telluride, it is roasted and then cyanidated. Because of the high content of gold and silver in the middle ore and tailings after flotation, cyanide treatment is also needed.

⑤ flotation of raw ore cyanide + cyanide tailings. When the gold and silver coexisting with sulfide minerals cannot be completely recovered by cyanidation, flotation after cyanidation can improve the recovery rate of gold and silver. Examples of gold and silver recovery from cyanide treated old tailings by flotation at home and abroad.

36 what are the treatment schemes for the easily treated gold ores? How to choose?

The treatment process of easy to treat gold ore is composed of mercury mixing, gravity separation, flotation and cyanidation. The selection of the treatment process is mainly based on the nature of the ore and the requirements of the product form.

There are many practical production processes used to deal with this kind of ore, usually the following are used.

① single mercury mixture. This process is suitable for the treatment of quartz primary ore and oxidized ore containing coarse gold. The single mercury mixing process is characterized by simple process structure, less investment, low production cost and quick efficiency, which is suitable for small and rich gold mine.

② combined process of mercury mixing and re concentration. This process includes two schemes: first mixing and then reselection or first reselection and then mixing The process of mixing Mercury first and then gravity separation is applicable to the simple gold bearing quartz ball sulfide ore, first the coarse-grained free gold is recovered by the method of mixing mercury, and then the heavy metal sulfide concentrate containing gold is selected by gravity separation. The process of mixing Mercury first and then gravity separation is applicable to the treatment of the ore with large gold particles, but the surface is polluted or wrapped by the oxidation film, and the placer gold ore with low gold content. If necessary, the concentrate of heavy sand must be grinded and scrubbed, and only when the surface of gold particle is clean can it be mixed with mercury.

③ combined process of gravity separation (mixed mercury) - cyanidation. This process is suitable for the treatment of gold bearing quartz vein oxidized ore. The concentrate from the gravity separation of the raw ore shall be mixed with mercury; or the raw ore shall be mixed with mercury directly, the tailings shall be graded, and the mixed sand shall be cyanidated separately.

④ single flotation process. Single flotation is suitable for the treatment of sulfide quartz vein ore with fine gold particles and high floatability, as well as gold sulfide ore and carbon (graphite) ore with various valuable metals (such as copper, lead and zinc). These ores are treated by a single flotation process, which can concentrate gold and other valuable metals into the concentrate to the maximum extent, and can obtain waste tailings with low production cost.

⑤ combined process of mixing and flotation. The basic premise of using this process is that the coarse gold in the raw ore can be recovered by the cheap and rapid mercury mixing method, and then the mixed mercury tailings can be flotation. This process can obtain higher recovery than single flotation process. In addition to the ore treated by the single flotation process, the gold bearing oxidized ore and the ore associated with free gold are suitable for use.

⑥ direct cyanidation (all slime cyanidation) process. Gold occurs in stone in the form of fine or fine particles

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