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渣漿泵選金礦?混汞提 金法可分為哪兩種類型?

渣漿泵選金礦混汞提 金法可分為哪兩種類型?


12混汞的影響因素 有哪些?

    金的粒度和單體解離程度。金粒大小、形狀、結構、連生體對混汞效果的影響,主要決定于金粒從包裹它的礦物中的解離程度,即磨礦粒度?;旃ㄗ鳂I的顯著特點之一,是采用較高的礦漿濃度和較大的磨礦排礦粒度。般來說,適于混求的金粒粒度在-1mm+0. Imm,最大粒度不超過0.15mm粒度細小而又為



的成分及表面狀態。純汞對金的潤濕效果并不好。汞中含少量金銀及賤金,能降低汞的表面張力,改善潤濕效果。如果汞中含賤金屬過量,則由于這些賤金屬在汞的表面形成氧化膜,反而影響了汞對金的潤濕效果。當汞中含金量為0.1%~0.2%時,可以加速汞對金的汞膏化過程。汞中金銀含量為0. 17%時,潤濕金的能力可以提高0.7;當金銀含量達5%時便可以提高兩倍。汞中含鉛、銅和鋅不超過0.1%時,能促進對金的潤濕;超過這一數值,在堿性介質中,則起破壞作用。
    混汞的前提是使金能與汞接觸,外混時的礦漿濃度不宜過大,一般應小于10%~25% 。磨礦循環中的混汞礦漿濃變以50%左右為宜。內混汞的礦漿濃度因條件而異,一般應考慮磨礦效率,內混汞礦漿濃般高達6 0% -80%。輾盤機及搗機中進行混汞的礦漿濃度般為30%~50%。


    汞膏處理一般包括汞膏分離 與洗滌、壓濾和蒸餾三個主要作業。
    汞膏蒸餾。由于汞的氣化溫度(356C) 遠低于金的熔點(1063C)和沸點(2860C), 常用蒸餾的方法使汞膏中的汞與金進行分離。渣漿泵

What are the two types of mixed mercury extraction of gold by slurry pump?

The mixed mercury can be divided into two types: internal mixed mercury and external mixed mercury. Internal mixed mercury refers to the extraction of gold by mixing mercury while grinding in the grinding equipment, which is used to treat high-grade ore or gravity concentrate; external mixed mercury refers to the extraction of gold by mixing mercury outside the grinding equipment, which can be used to recover part of free gold in advance in the pulse gold concentrator. After separation of mercury paste and pulp, residual mercury is extracted from liquid mercury paste and distilled from solid mercury paste to obtain black sponge gold.

12 what are the influencing factors of mixed mercury?

In the process of mixing mercury, the wetting effect of mercury on gold is affected by the size of gold and the degree of monomer dissociation, the composition of gold and mercury, the pH value of pulp medium, pulp concentration and temperature, mineral composition, as well as the process configuration, equipment and operation conditions of mixing mercury. The main influencing factors are as follows.

The size of gold and the degree of monomer dissociation. The influence of gold particle size, shape, structure and syngenetic body on the effect of mercury mixing is mainly determined by the degree of dissociation of gold particles from the minerals surrounding it, namely the grinding particle size. One of the remarkable characteristics of the operation of the mercury mixing method is to use a higher pulp concentration and a larger ore discharge particle size. Generally speaking, the particle size of gold suitable for mixed solution is - 1mm + 0. IMM, and the maximum particle size is not more than 0.15mm, which is fine and

The fine gold particles below 0.03mm are easy to lose with the pulp, but not easy to form amalgam with the mercury on the mercury plate, so the recovery rate decreases.

② composition and surface state of gold powder. In all the gold deposits, the color of ore gold is higher than that of vein gold. In vein gold, the color of gold in oxidized ore is higher than that in primary ore. The surface of pure gold is hydrophilic and hydrophobic, which is easily wetted by mercury. But natural gold often contains silver, copper, iron, nickel, lead, zinc and other impurities. The higher the content of impurities, the worse the hydrophobicity of natural gold particles, the more difficult it is to be wetted by mercury. Because the surface of fresh gold particles is most easily wetted by mercury, the gold recovery rate of internal mixed mercury is generally higher than that of external mixed mercury.

③ composition and surface state of mercury. The wetting effect of pure mercury on gold is not good. Mercury contains a small amount of gold, silver and base metals, which can reduce the surface tension of mercury and improve the wetting effect. If there are too many base metals in mercury, the wetting effect of mercury on gold will be affected by the formation of oxide film on the surface of mercury. When the content of gold in mercury is 0.1% ~ 0.2%, the process of mercury paste can be accelerated.  When the content of gold and silver in mercury is 0.17%, the ability of wetting gold can be increased by 0.7 times; when the content of gold and silver reaches 5%, it can be increased by twice. When the content of lead, copper and zinc in mercury is less than 0.1%, it can promote the wettability of gold; when the content of lead, copper and zinc is more than 0.1%, it can destroy gold in alkaline medium.

④ pulp temperature and concentration. If the temperature of pulp is too low, the viscosity of pulp is large, and the surface tension is increased, the wettability of mercury on the surface of gold particles will be reduced. If the temperature of pulp is increased properly, the index of mixed Mercury will be increased, but if the temperature is too high, some Mercury will be lost with the pulp. Generally, the temperature of mercury mixing operation is above 15C.

The premise of mixing mercury is to make the gold particles contact with mercury, and the pulp concentration should not be too large when mixing mercury, generally less than 10% ~ 25%. In the grinding cycle, the concentration of the mixed mercury ore pulp should be about 50%. The pulp concentration of internal mixed mercury varies with different conditions. Generally, grinding efficiency should be considered. The pulp concentration of internal mixed mercury is generally as high as 60% - 80%. The pulp concentration of internal mixing mercury in rolling and vibrating machine is generally 30% ~ 50%.

⑤ acid content of pulp. The practice shows that the mixed mercury index is the best in the acid medium or cyanide solution (concentration is 0.05%). Because the acid medium or cyanide solution can clean the surface of gold particles and mercury, it can dissolve the oxidation clothing on the surface. But the acid medium can't make the slime agglomerate. It is impossible to eliminate slime, soluble salt, engine oil and other organic matters.

Harmful effect: in alkaline medium, it can improve the conditions of mercury mixing operation. For example, using lime as an adjusting agent can make soluble salt precipitate, eliminate the bad effects of oil quality, and also make the slime agglomerate, reduce the viscosity of the pulp. Generally, mercury mixing is carried out in weak alkaline pulp with pH of 8-8.5.

In addition, when the current is introduced into the mercury mixing operation, the ability of catching gold can be enhanced. The cathode of the circuit connected to the surface of mercury can reduce the surface tension of mercury, activate the performance of mercury, and improve the wetting effect of mercury on gold.

How to deal with mercury paste?

The treatment of mercury paste generally includes three main operations: separation and washing of mercury paste, pressure filtration and distillation.

① separation and washing of mercury paste. The mercury paste obtained from the mercury mixing plate, the mercury mixing chute, the ore rammer and the mercury mixing cylinder, especially the mercury paste obtained from the mercury catcher and the mercury mixing cylinder, is mixed with a large number of heavy minerals, gangue and other impurities, which must be separated and washed before being sent to the pressure filtration.

② mercury paste pressure filtration. The purpose of mercury paste filtration is to remove the excess mercury in the cleaned mercury paste, so as to obtain the concentrated solid mercury paste (hard mercury paste), so this operation is called mercury injection. Mercury injection can be carried out by air pressure or hydraulic filter press. Screw filter press, pneumatic filter press and hydraulic filter press are commonly used in jinjinshan.

③ distillation of mercury paste. Because the gasification temperature (356C) of mercury is far lower than the melting point (1063c) and boiling point (2860c) of gold, the common distillation method is used to separate mercury from gold. Slurry pump

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