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研究固液混合物相對運動,即認為流道是固定的,同時混合物全體以角速度-w (此處o為流道角速度)繞軸線旋轉。因為運動是定常的,在研究它時,在每一點上必須引用向心加速度和哥氏加速度。哥氏力方向垂直于固體顆粒軌線和液體流線,所以不做功。與固液混合物單位質量有關的離心力,與其是否作用在固體顆?;蛘咭后w上無關,做功為
    流經葉輪的固液混合物流量用Q表示,固體顆粒和液體的流量分別用Q,和Q。表示,于是, 單位時間內消耗在克服固液混合物流過時流道內壓降(n- p) 的功T一Q. (p:-pi)。. 




    第二種情況具有實際意義, 就是具有不同粒度固體顆粒的混合物液流繞軸線旋轉流逃內的運動。

    研究兩個平行于液流運動方向的平面,它們相互處在混合路徑長度的距離上。采用處在單位體積流體內上平面區域內顆粒數量等于n,在下平面區域內為m. +On..固體顆粒從上層運動到下層,是受到重力作用和液流紊流度的雙重影響。而固體顆粒從下層運動到上層,只有依靠紊流運動才能實現。
    單位時間內經過單位面積從上層進入下層的固體顆粒數量等于n,u' +n,W'.在從液體下層到上層交換的穩定過程時,應該進人同樣數量的顆粒(n, + An,)v'=n,v' +nW'.因而,在下層和上層之間顆粒數量變化,可以根據A1/n, =W'/u'求出,這種變化表明,懸浮顆粒沉降速度越大,它們在液流中分布均勻性越差。脈沖速度v增大,將導致An,減少,因而導致固體顆粒在液流中分布更加均勻。
    當絮流中沉降速度 W變為等于脈中速度。時,比值Sn/n,=1,就是說處在上層所有顆粒下降到下層,即固體顆粒液流大部分不再懸浮,并且它們將不多加紊流混合過程。
    下面研究繞軸線施轉的流道,它垂直于縱斷面的平面。在相對運動時,液流在流道中速度等于1。固體顆粒與液體起在旋轉流道內, 例如在葉輪葉片之間空間內運動,它們處在離心力場中。加速度法向分量(在相對運動時)為
    為了估算這加速度值,給出下列吸入短管直徑為125mm挖泥深幾何多數和運動參數: "o=8m/s,斷面平均半徑R= 150mm,w= 150L/s, cosp=0.85, r,= 150mm。在這種情況下1a1 >0也就是說比重力加速度大50多倍。因此懸浮在液體中固體顆




C- 顆粒迎面阻力系數。




決定已知粒徑徑固體顆粒在液流中分市特性的因素: 可以這樣估



  如果沉降速度小于脈沖速度,那么顆粒就懸浮,如果沉降速度大于脈沖速度,那么顆粒就逐漸下沉??梢约俣?,對于界限直徑的顆粒,比值Wr/v' (式中, Wr為粒徑d:顆粒的沉降速度),即它們可以從給定層均勻地下沉,與處在懸浮狀態一樣。
  我們估算界限粒徑所采用判據之值dr n人,采用pr=2650kg/m3, Po =1000kg/m3,





Relative Motion of Slurry Pump Mixture in Rotating Channel

It is of practical significance to derive Bernoulli equation for the relative motion of liquid-solid mixture in a rotating channel. Solid particles move along their tracks, while liquids move along streamlines. The total energy of solid-liquid mixtures at the outlet of the rotating channel is greater than that at the inlet. Therefore, it is only possible to introduce energy from the outside into the solid-liquid sludge flow.


I. The Movement of Solid-liquid Mixtures in Fixed Channels


The relative motion of solid-liquid mixtures is studied. It is considered that the runner is fixed and the mixtures rotate around the axis at an angular velocity of - w (where o is the angular velocity of the runner). Because motion is steady, centripetal acceleration and Coriolis acceleration must be used at every point in studying it. Coriolis force is perpendicular to solid particle trajectory and liquid streamline, so no work is done. The centrifugal force related to the unit mass of a solid-liquid mixture has nothing to do with whether it acts on solid particles or liquids.

The flow rate of solid-liquid mixture through impeller is expressed by Q, and the flow rate of solid particles and liquid is expressed by Q, and Q, respectively. Thus, work T-Q. (p:-pi) is consumed per unit time to overcome the pressure drop (n-p) in the outdated flow passage of solid-liquid mixtures. .


It is assumed that the relative velocities of solid particles and liquids at the entrance of the runner are interrelated and equal to w. They are different at the exit of the runner. The densities of solid particles and liquid solid particles, liquids and mixtures are P.P and P.


Static Head Change of Solid-liquid Mixture in Rotating Channel


From the equation obtained, it can be seen that the change of static head in the rotating channel is equal to the pressure drop of solid-liquid mixture per unit weight. The difference between the static head of the same density and mass liquid moving in the rotating abortion is that the kinetic energy difference between the solid phase and the liquid phase of the mixture is multiplied by the mass concentration of solid particles K and the additional hydraulic loss in the solid phase. When the relative velocity difference between particles and liquids is small, the pressure drop of solid-liquid mixture decreases only because of the increase of hydraulic loss compared with that of homogeneous liquid.

The second case has practical significance, that is, the liquid flow of mixtures with different particle sizes flows around the axis of rotation to escape.


2. The Movement of Solid-liquid Mixture in the Rotating Channel

The following qualitative aspects of phenomena are studied, i.e. the distribution of solid particles with the same particle size in a fixed channel. It is assumed that the solid particles are fairly small and their velocities are equal to the local velocities of the carrier. It is assumed that the fluid flow is a flocculating flow, and that under the action of gravity, the suspended particles decrease from the liquid at a settling velocity equal to W', which is different from the settling velocity W of particles in stationary water. Because of the pulsation of velocity U in the liquid flow, the solid particles will participate in the flocculating mixing process.

Two planes parallel to the direction of fluid flow are studied. They lie at the distance of the length of the mixing path. The number of particles in the upper plane region of a unit volume fluid is equal to n, and in the lower plane region is m. +On.. The movement of solid particles from the upper layer to the lower layer is influenced by gravity and turbulence. The movement of solid particles from the lower layer to the upper layer can only be achieved by turbulent motion.

The number of solid particles per unit time passing from the upper layer to the lower layer is equal to n, u'+n, W'. In the stable process of exchange from the lower layer of liquid to the upper layer, the same number of particles (n,+An,) v'=n, v'+nW'. Therefore, the change of the number of particles between the lower layer and the upper layer can be calculated according to A1/n,= W'/u'. The results show that the larger the settling velocity of suspended particles, the worse the uniformity of their distribution in liquid flow. The increase of pulse velocity V will lead to A and decrease, which will lead to more uniform distribution of solid particles in liquid flow.

When the settling velocity W in the flocculation becomes equal to the velocity in the pulse. When the ratio of Sn/n is equal to 1, that is to say, all the particles in the upper layer descend to the lower layer, that is, most of the solid particles are no longer suspended, and they will not add much turbulent mixing process.

Next, we study the flow path running around the axis, which is perpendicular to the plane of the longitudinal section. In relative motion, the velocity of liquid flow in the channel is equal to 1. Solid particles and liquids move in a rotating channel, such as in the space between impeller blades, and they are in the centrifugal force field. The normal component of acceleration (in relative motion) is

In order to estimate this acceleration value, the following geometric majority and movement parameters of the dredging depth with the diameter of the suction short pipe 125 mm are given: "o = 8 m/s, the average cross-section radius R = 150 mm, w = 150 L/s, cosp = 0.85, r, = 150 mm". In this case, 1A1 > 0 is more than 50 times the acceleration of gravity. So solid particles suspended in liquids


The settling velocity of particles is faster than that of mixture moving in a fixed channel.


In estimating the hydraulic loss caused by mixtures moving in the channel, it is important to divide the particle size distribution into two categories: fine particles, although there is a strong acceleration field, still participate in the flocculation mixing process: larger particles, under the influence of centrifugal force field, no longer participate in turbulent exchange and along a single trajectory in the fluid flow. Sports. When all solid particles participate in flocculation exchange, solid-liquid mixtures can be used as homogeneous liquids. It is considered that the loss in liquid theory is the same as that in homogeneous liquids with the same density. When there are solid particles which do not participate in the flocculation exchange process, the liquid can not be studied as homogeneous liquid. To determine the hydraulic loss in the channel, the heterogeneous liquid flow must be considered.

The settling velocity of suspended particles in acceleration field is determined by the following equation


D-1 particle size in the formula;


C- particles


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