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1. 閥門節流:改變離心泵流量最簡單的方法就是調節泵出口閥門的開度,而水泵轉速保持不變 (一般為額定轉速),其實質是改變管路特性曲線的位置來改變泵的工況點。關小閥門時,管道局部阻力增加,水泵工況點向左移至B點,相應流量減少。閥門全關時,相當于阻力無限大,流量為零,此時管路特性曲線與縱坐標重合。

2. 變頻調速:通過變頻器控制電機轉速,從而實現對臥式泡沫泵流量的調節。

3. 水泵串聯調節:將臥式泡沫泵與另一臺水泵串聯,通過調節兩臺水泵的出口閥門開度來改變總流量。當一臺水泵關小閥門時,另一臺水泵的出口閥門開大,總流量增加;反之,當一臺水泵開大閥門時,另一臺水泵的出口閥門關小,總流量減少。這種方法適用于多臺臥式泡沫泵并聯使用的情況。

4. 水泵調速器調節:采用調速器對臥式泡沫泵進行調節。調速器可以改變電機的輸入電壓或電流,從而實現對電機轉速的控制。通過調節電機轉速,進而改變臥式泡沫泵的流量。這種方法具有較好的調節精度和穩定性,但需要配置專門的調速器設備。

5. 液力耦合器調節:液力耦合器是一種利用液體傳遞動力的裝置,可以將臥式泡沫泵與電動機之間的傳動損失降低到最低。通過調節液力耦合器的油壓,可以實現對臥式泡沫泵流量的無級調節。液力耦合器具有結構簡單、可靠性高、調節精度高等優點,但需要定期更換液體,維護成本較高。

6. 智能控制系統調節:采用先進的智能控制系統對臥式泡沫泵進行調節。智能控制系統可以根據實際工況需求,自動調整臥式泡沫泵的運行參數,實現流量的精確控制。這種方法具有自動化程度高、調節速度快、可靠性好等優點,但投資成本較高。


How to maximize the flow of horizontal foam pump

There are many flow regulation methods for horizontal foam pump, and the following are some common methods:

1. Valve throttling: The simplest way to change the flow rate of a centrifugal pump is to adjust the opening of the pump outlet valve, while keeping the pump speed constant (usually at rated speed). Its essence is to change the position of the pipeline characteristic curve to change the pump operating point. When the valve is turned down, the local resistance of the pipeline increases, and the operating point of the water pump moves to the left at point B, resulting in a corresponding decrease in flow rate. When the valve is fully closed, it is equivalent to an infinite resistance and zero flow rate. At this point, the pipeline characteristic curve coincides with the vertical axis.

2. Frequency conversion speed regulation: the motor speed is controlled by the frequency converter, so as to realize the flow regulation of the horizontal foam pump.

3. Water pump series adjustment: connect the horizontal foam pump in series with another water pump, and change the total flow by adjusting the opening of the outlet valves of the two water pumps. When one water pump turns down the valve, the outlet valve of the other water pump opens larger, resulting in an increase in total flow rate; On the contrary, when one water pump opens the valve larger, the outlet valve of the other water pump closes smaller, and the total flow rate decreases. This method is suitable for parallel use of multiple horizontal foam pumps.

4. Water pump governor adjustment: the governor is used to adjust the horizontal foam pump. The governor can change the input voltage or current of the motor to achieve control of the motor speed. The flow of horizontal foam pump can be changed by adjusting the motor speed. This method has good adjustment accuracy and stability, but requires specialized governor equipment.

5. Adjustment of hydraulic coupler: hydraulic coupler is a device that uses liquid to transmit power, which can minimize the transmission loss between horizontal foam pump and motor. The flow of the horizontal foam pump can be adjusted steplessly by adjusting the oil pressure of the hydraulic coupler. Hydraulic couplers have the advantages of simple structure, high reliability, and high adjustment accuracy, but they require regular liquid replacement and high maintenance costs.

6. Intelligent control system adjustment: adopt advanced intelligent control system to adjust the horizontal foam pump. The intelligent control system can automatically adjust the operating parameters of the horizontal foam pump according to the actual working conditions, so as to achieve accurate flow control. This method has the advantages of high automation, fast adjustment speed, and good reliability, but the investment cost is high.

To sum up, there are many flow adjustment methods for horizontal foam pumps, and appropriate adjustment methods can be selected according to actual engineering needs and conditions. In practical applications, multiple adjustment methods can also be combined to achieve better flow control effects.

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