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在工程術語中,渣漿泵是為大家所熟悉的名詞。這多半是由于泵是屬于通用性的機械類而廣泛地應用于國民經濟的各個部門。隨著現代工業的蓬勃發展,采礦、冶金、電力、石油、化工、市政以及林等部門中,各種形式的泵站很多,其規模和投資越來越大,功能分類愈分息細。以采礦工業而言,礦山中豎井的井底排水,大型礦床的地表疏干以及掘進斜井的初期排水等技術設施,都需要建造一系列相應的泵站來滿足整個采礦工程的需要。在電力部門中,無論是火力或原子能發電系統,從高壓鍋爐給水泵站起,一直到冷熱水的循環泵站、水力清渣除灰的高壓泵站以及冷卻水的補給泵站等都是必不可少的。它們在整個系統中,常常是規模大、投資大、地位重要的工程項目。在市政建設中,泵站也是城市給水和排水工程中重要的組成部分。它們通常是整個給水排水系統正常運轉的樞紐。圖1-1所示為城市給水排水系統工藝基本流程,由圖可知,原水由取水泵站,從水源地(江、河、湖、水庫等)抽送至自來水廠,凈化后的清水由送水泵站輸送到城市管網,流人工廠、企業以及千家萬戶。城市中的廢水,經過各區域的排水管網收集進人排水泵站,由各區域的排水泵站將各路污()水輸送至污水處理廠。經過一系列的污水處理工藝后,由污水處理廠的主泵站將處理合格的出廠水,再回送人江、河、湖水之中(也可以作為農業灌溉水,輸人農田;在少數些發達國家, 實行“零排放” 方針,將污水處理廠的出廠水,重新作為城市自來水廠的第二水源啟用)。由此可見,我們給水排水專業的工作者,就是把水的采集、凈化、輸送、回收利用,直到再凈化、再輸送以及再利用的過程,視為一個完整的社會循環過程。我們的專業人士應該做好水的社會循環,建立起對水在進人社會循環過程中所發生的一切改變負責到底、跟蹤到底的精神,從總體上確保水環境的良好狀態,使我國的水工業真正體現造福人民的效能。

In engineering terminology, slurry pump is a familiar term. This is mostly due to the fact that pumps are universal machinery and are widely used in various sectors of the national economy. With the vigorous development of modern industry, there are many pumping stations in various forms in mining, metallurgy, electric power, petroleum, chemical, municipal and forestry sectors. Their scale and investment are becoming larger and larger, and their functional classification is becoming more detailed. For the mining industry, a series of corresponding pumping stations need to be built to meet the needs of the entire mining project, such as the bottom drainage of shafts in mines, the surface drainage of large deposits and the initial drainage of inclined shafts. In the power sector, whether it is a thermal or atomic power generation system, it is essential from the high-pressure boiler feed pump station to the circulating pump station of cold and hot water, the high-pressure pump station of hydraulic slag removal and ash removal, and the cooling water supply pump station. They are often engineering projects with large scale, large investment and important status in the whole system. In municipal construction, the pump station is also an important part of urban water supply and drainage engineering. They are usually the pivot for the normal operation of the entire water supply and drainage system. Figure 1-1 shows the basic process flow of the urban water supply and drainage system. It can be seen from the figure that the raw water is pumped from the water source (river, lake, reservoir, etc.) to the water plant by the water intake pump station, and the purified clean water is delivered to the urban pipe network by the water supply pump station, and flows to factories, enterprises and thousands of households. The waste water in the city is collected into the drainage pump station through the drainage pipe network in each area, and the sewage (waste) water in each road is transported to the sewage treatment plant by the drainage pump station in each area. After a series of sewage treatment processes, the main pump station of the sewage treatment plant will treat the qualified factory water and then send it back to rivers, rivers and lakes (it can also be used as agricultural irrigation water and sent to farmland; in a few developed countries, the "zero discharge" policy is implemented, and the factory water of the sewage treatment plant will be reused as the second water source of the urban water plant). It can be seen from this that our water supply and drainage professionals regard the process of water collection, purification, transportation, recycling, and reuse, as a complete social cycle. Our professionals should do a good job in the social cycle of water, establish the spirit of taking full responsibility for and following up all changes in the process of entering the social cycle of water, and ensure the good state of the water environment in general, so that China's water industry can truly reflect the efficiency of benefiting the people.

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