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(3)η- Q曲線是確定泵工作經濟性的依據。離心泵實際運行效率是判斷離心泵運行是否經濟的主要指標,離心泵的工作點如果對應的效率較高,即能夠滿足經濟性要求。工程上將泵最高效率點稱為額定點,與該點相對應的工況稱為額定工況(即額定流量、額定揚程、額定功率),它一般就是泵的設計工況。離心泵的設計流量按照最高效率點確定,因此,當離心泵的實際流量偏離設計流量較多時,離心泵的效率下降就較多。在實際工作中,要保證離心泵的工作點能夠接近離心泵效率最高點,泵應盡量在高效率區域工作。為了擴大泵的使用范圍,通常規定:對應于最高效率點以下7%的工況范圍為高效工作區,有些離心泵樣本上只給出高效工作區內的各特性曲線。

Application of characteristic curve of slurry pump

The actual characteristic curve of centrifugal pump shows that when the pump works at constant speed, each flow Q corresponding to the pump must have a certain head h, power P, efficiency η and NPSHr. In practice, each curve has its own function.

(1) H-Q curve is the main basis for selecting and operating pumps. Because of the different structure types of pumps, H-Q curve has "steep drop", "flat" and "Hump" shapes. The characteristics of the centrifugal pump with flat H-Q curve are as follows: when the flow changes greatly, the head h does not change much; the centrifugal pump with steep drop H-Q characteristics is just the opposite, when the head changes greatly, the flow Q does not change much; the pump with hump H-Q characteristics is easy to produce unstable conditions in a certain flow range (less than the peak flow). The user can choose the centrifugal pump with different characteristics according to the working requirements.

For the centrifugal pump with flat or steep drop H-Q characteristics, flow Q increases, head h decreases, and vice versa. Therefore, in the operation of centrifugal pump, the flow Q can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the head H. In production, the outlet valve of the pump is often adjusted to change the resistance loss of the pipeline, so that the head h provided by the pump changes to adjust the flow.

(2) The P-Q curve is the basis for the reasonable selection of prime mover power and normal start-up. Generally, the power of the prime mover should be determined according to the maximum power in the range of the required flow change and the appropriate safety margin. It shall be ensured that the pump is started under the condition of minimum power consumption to reduce the starting current to protect the motor. Generally, when q = 0, the power of centrifugal pump is the minimum. Therefore, when starting the pump, the outlet regulating valve shall be closed, and after the pump operates normally, the required flow shall be adjusted. Slurry pump

(3) η - Q curve is the basis to determine the economic performance of pump. The actual operation efficiency of centrifugal pump is the main index to judge whether the operation of centrifugal pump is economical. If the corresponding efficiency of the working point of centrifugal pump is high, it can meet the economic requirements. In engineering, the highest efficiency point of pump is called rated point, and the corresponding working condition is called rated working condition (i.e. rated flow, rated head and rated power), which is generally the design working condition of pump. The design flow of centrifugal pump is determined according to the highest efficiency point. Therefore, when the actual flow of centrifugal pump deviates from the design flow more, the efficiency of centrifugal pump will drop more. In practical work, to ensure that the working point of centrifugal pump can be close to the highest efficiency point, the pump should work in the high efficiency area as much as possible. In order to expand the scope of use of the pump, it is generally stipulated that the operating range corresponding to 7% below the highest efficiency point is the high efficiency working area, and some centrifugal pump samples only give the characteristic curves in the high efficiency working area.

(4) Npshr-q curve is the basis of checking whether the pump has cavitation. The installation height and inlet resistance loss of the pump shall be fully considered to prevent cavitation of the pump.

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