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在長距離輸油管道中,由于油品沿管道流動需要消耗定的壓力能,因此必須建輸油泵站,以將油品保質、保量、安全、經濟地輸送到油庫。輸油管道的壓力能耗主要有兩部分,部分用于克服地形差,這部分損失與輸量無關;部分是與輸量有關的摩擦損失,包括油品通過直管段時的摩擦損失和通過各種閥件、管件時的摩擦損失。圖0-5給出了輸油管道上常見的三種輸油方式。在輸油管道早期,多使用從罐到罐的輸油方式。此時油品全部通過各中間站的油罐,蒸發損耗大。后來逐步發展為旁接油罐,此時利用油罐調節兩站間排量的差額。第三種方式則為密閉輸送方式,上游來的輸油于管直接與下站泵機組的吸管路相連,各站泵機組直接串聯工作,又稱為從泵到泵方式。由此可知,無論何種輸油方式,都需建設輸油泵站,輸油泵站的任務就是供給油流一定的能量。 輸油泵主要分為離心泵和螺桿泵。由于離心泵具有排量大、能串聯工作運行平穩以及易于維修等優點,在輸油管道上得到了廣泛應用。同時根據輸量或輸送距離
  渣漿泵廠家  用來、和發原油石油產品的企業和單位,主要用于協調原油生產、原油加工、成品供應以及運輸,油庫中油品的收發和輸轉是依常泵和管路配合來完成的。中輸送輕油和黏度為(4-5)x10-*m*/s以下的油品。廣泛采用離心;輸送燃料油和潤滑油一采用往復泵、齒輪泵、螺桿泵和其他形式的容積泵。此外;在油庫房中,還用水環式空泵所組成的真空系統使離心泵和吸管路引油罐泵、抽吸油罐車底油以及利用虹吸作用卸油等。油庫消防系統、含油污水處理系統和給水系統也需要采用離心水泵

Application in long distance slurry pump oil pipeline and oil depot

In the long-distance oil pipeline, because the flow of oil along the pipeline needs to consume a certain amount of pressure energy, so it is necessary to build an oil pump station to transport the oil to the oil depot with quality, quantity, safety and economy. The pressure energy consumption of oil pipeline mainly includes two parts: one is used to overcome the terrain height difference, which has nothing to do with the transportation capacity; the other is the friction loss related to the transportation capacity, including the friction loss when the oil passes through the straight pipe section and the friction loss when passing through various valves and pipe fittings. Figure 0-5 shows three common ways of oil transportation on oil pipelines. In the early days of oil pipelines, the "tank to tank" method was often used. At this time, all the oil products pass through the oil tanks of each intermediate station, resulting in large evaporation loss. Later, it gradually developed into a "side connected oil tank". At this time, the difference of displacement between two stations was adjusted by using the oil tank. The third way is "closed delivery". The upstream oil delivery pipeline is directly connected with the suction pipeline of the next station pump unit, and each station pump unit works in series, also known as "from pump to pump" mode. It can be seen that no matter what kind of oil transportation mode, oil transportation pump station needs to be built. The task of oil transportation pump station is to supply certain energy for oil flow. The oil delivery pump is mainly divided into centrifugal pump and screw pump. Centrifugal pump is widely used in oil pipeline because of its large displacement, stable operation in series and easy maintenance. At the same time, according to the transportation capacity or distance

Because of the difference, it is usually inconvenient to use multiple commercial pumps in parallel or in joint repair, so it is not suitable for closed conveying process. The way to achieve. However, the screw pump is suitable for the transportation of high viscosity oil products. Compared with the centrifugal pump, the screw pump is usually used for its complicated structure and extensive application. At the same time, according to the different transmission capacity or transmission distance, multiple centrifugal pumps are usually used in parallel or series. Compared with centrifugal pump, screw pump has complex structure, inconvenient maintenance and can not work in series, so it is not suitable for closed conveying process. However, the screw pump is suitable for the transportation of high viscosity oil products. It is commonly used for the transportation of high viscosity oil products with small flow and high pressure head.

The enterprises and units in the oil depot of slurry pump manufacturers are used to receive, store and distribute crude oil or petroleum products. They are mainly used to coordinate crude oil production, crude oil processing, supply and transportation of finished products. The receiving, dispatching and transmission of oil products in the oil depot are completed with the cooperation of pumps and pipelines. Light oil and oil products with viscosity below (4-5) X10 - * m * / s are transported in the oil depot. Centrifugal pump is widely used; reciprocating pump, gear pump, screw pump and other forms of positive displacement pump are generally used to transport fuel oil and lubricating oil. In addition, in the pump room of the oil depot, the vacuum system composed of the water ring vacuum pump enables the centrifugal pump and the suction pipeline to lead the oil tank pump, draw the oil at the bottom of the oil tank and use the siphon function to discharge the oil. Centrifugal pumps are also required for the fire fighting system, oily sewage treatment system and water supply system of the oil depot

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