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渣漿泵鉑族金屬 有哪些物理性質?

渣漿泵鉑族金屬 有哪些物理性質?
    鉑族金屬密度大:輕鉑金屬密度大于12/m,重鉑金屬密度大21g/cm3鉑族金屑的沸點都很高。 按元素周期表順序,從左向右逐漸降低,從上向下連漸提高。其中,點最低,點最高。


What are the physical properties of platinum group metals in slurry pumps?

Platinum group metals include platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium, which are the fourth group in the periodic table. They have similar properties, such as high melting point, high strength, corrosion resistance, good catalytic activity and electrothermal property. Platinum, palladium, rhodium and iridium are silver white, osmium and ruthenium are steel gray.

In the presence of oxygen and strong heat, ruthenium and rhodium are easily oxidized into tetraoxides, which are volatile. Ruthenium volatilizes slowly, while osmium volatilizes faster. Platinum (greater than 100), iridium and rhodium (greater than 200) can form volatile oxides.

The density of platinum group metals is high: the density of light platinum metals is more than 12 / m, and the density of heavy platinum metals is more than 21g / cm3. According to the order of periodic table of elements, it gradually decreases from left to right, and increases from top to bottom. Among them, palladium has the lowest boiling point and osmium has the highest boiling point.

Osmium, ruthenium and rhodium are characterized by high hardness and brittleness, so they can be ground into fine powder, which are difficult to machine. Platinum and palladium are malleable. It can be rolled and drawn. Pure platinum has a high plasticity, and it can be made into a 0.025mm thick box by cold rolling platinum. Iridium can only withstand machining when heated to red heat.

The special property of PGM is that its surface has the capability of adsorbing gas (especially hydrogen). When it is in the state of powder and colloid, its adsorption capacity is greatly enhanced. Palladium has the strongest adsorption capacity for hydrogen, and 1 volume of palladium can adsorb more than 901 volume of hydrogen at room temperature. The adsorbed hydrogen in palladium is easy to release completely. According to the order of palladium, iridium, rhodium, platinum, nail and osmium, the hydrogen adsorption performance of slurry pump decreased in turn.

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