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一、 測量準確與測置儀器

二、 泵噪聲的測量條件與修正

1. 測量環境



    或按表8 - 12選取。如果AL:小于3dB時,則背景噪聲影響過大,測量結果的準確度就要降低,背景噪聲修正值Kia(dB)最大修正值是3dB,這樣的測量結果也可以報告,但必須在報告中詳細說明。


1. 測量方法

泵的噪聲測量方法有兩種,一種 是聲功率級測量方法,另種是聲壓級測量方法。




3. A聲壓級的測定值與平均聲壓級LPA的計算
    可將規定點測得的A聲級的測量值LpAi,對照各測點的背景噪聲值KTAi進行修正后,得到的各測點的A聲壓級的測量值LPAI - KA,分別對泵周圍各測點(P_1 ~P_s)原動機周圍測點(M_~M _3)進行平均計算。

                LA = 30 +9.7lg(Pun)  

Lb = 36 +9.71g(P.n)  

Lc =42 +9.7lg(P.n)  

式中La、Lb、Lc ----劃分泵噪聲級別的限值, dB;

Pu---- 泵的輸出功率(有效功率),kW;

n----的規定轉速,r/ min。





為了方便使用簡略計算,將式(8- 39)、式(8 40)、 (8 41)繪制成圖8 42所示的泵的噪聲評價圖,可不必計算,查圖就能直接得出泵的噪聲的級別。圖中橫坐標為泵的輸出功率P。(kW),縱坐標為泵的轉速n( r/min),每條斜線代表具有相同噪聲限值的不同泵,圖的上下各用一條噪聲限值標尺,標尺刻度標示LA、Lb、Lc的值。查找時,以輸出功率為橫坐標,轉速為縱坐標確定交點M點,過M點作斜線的平行線,該平行線的端點得到在標尺上的刻度LA、Lp、Lc三個限值。
LpA≤85dB,泵評價為合格。L > 85dB,泵評價為不合格。
    P.n≤27101.3的泵,如果要求評價時,L,、La、Le三個限值在圖8 -42中用虛線繪出,可在圖8 -42中虛線得到,般僅在下列情況下使用:




Noise measurement and evaluation of slurry pump

I. measurement accuracy and measuring instrument

The accuracy of measurement can be divided into three levels: Level 1 precision method, level 2 engineering method and level 3 simple method. Generally, level 3 simple method can be used for pump measurement, and level 2 engineering method can be used if necessary. The common instrument for noise measurement is sound level meter. The accuracy of sound level meter shall conform to the type 2 or above sound level meter specified in GB / t3785, or other testing instruments with equivalent accuracy, and shall be calibrated before and after each measurement.

II. Measurement conditions and correction of pump noise

1. Measurement environment

In addition to the ground, it is required to avoid reflection as far as possible, and the attenuation value of multiple distance sound pressure level shall not be less than 5dB, that is, the difference of a sound level measured at 1m and 2m or 0.5m and 1m away from the pump body shall be less than 5dB. If the above requirements can not be met, the conditions of the measurement site and the attenuation value of multiple distance sound pressure level shall be indicated.

2. Installation conditions of pump

When measuring, pay attention to the noise impact of outlet throttle valve and suction, discharge pipeline and other equipment. The outlet throttle valve should be far away from the pump to minimize the noise of suction and discharge pipeline.

3. Operation condition of pump

The measurement shall be carried out at the specified pump speed (allowable deviation + 5%) and flow.

4. Background noise

Before measuring the noise of the pump, the background noise of the measuring point shall be measured first, that is, when the measured pump is not running, the sound pressure level at the three measuring points is called background noise. When the pump is working, the internal pressure level a measured by the plant, and the background noise. Huke line I, yes. When it is greater than lodb8, the influence of background noise on the measured value can be ignored without correction. If s is less than 1%, and more than 3dB, the measurement is effective, but it should be corrected. The background noise correction value K, a (DB)

Or select according to table 8-12. If al: is less than 3dB, the influence of background noise is too large, and the accuracy of measurement results will be reduced. The maximum correction value of background noise correction value Kia (DB) is 3dB. Such measurement results can also be reported, but must be detailed in the report.

III. sound pressure level of pump, measurement method and calculation of average sound pressure level LP

1. Measurement method

There are two methods to measure the noise of pump, one is the measurement of sound power level, the other is the measurement of sound pressure level.

The measurement method of sound power is strict to the environment, and the calculation is complex. It is not easy to have the measurement conditions of sound power level on site. The measurement and calculation of sound pressure level is more convenient, but the accuracy is not as good as that of sound power level measurement, so it is often used in the field measurement or when the conditions are not available. In case of dispute, the sound power level shall prevail. The pump usually adopts sound pressure level measurement method. The following mainly introduces the measurement and evaluation method of sound pressure level.

2. Measuring point position

The positions of measuring points of various pumps are shown in Fig. 8-36 ~ Fig. 8-40 and Fig. 8-41. The measuring points of other types of pumps can be determined by reference.

The horizontal distance between the measuring point and the pump body surface is 1 m.

Measuring point height: when the center height of the pump is greater than 1m, the measuring point height is specified as 1m; when the center height of the pump is less than 1m, the measuring point height is the center height of the pump.

3. Measurement value of a sound pressure level and calculation of average sound pressure level LPA

LPAI - Ka of a sound level of each measuring point can be corrected by comparing the measurement value LPAI of a sound level of each measuring point measured at the specified point with the background noise value ktai of each measuring point, and the average calculation can be made for the measurement points (m  ̄ m  ̄ U 3) around the prime mover of each measuring point (P  ̄ 1  ̄ P  ̄ s) around the pump.

If it is to evaluate the noise of the pump, only the average sound pressure level of the measuring points around the pump is calculated. If it is the assessment of unit noise

The average value of the sound pressure level of all the measuring points around the prime mover shall be calculated.

IV. evaluation method of pump noise level

The noise level in the pump is divided into four levels: A, B, C and d. A is excellent, B is good, C is qualified and D is unqualified. The levels a, B, C and D are respectively divided by three limits of La, LB and LC. The calculation of the three limits is as follows:

LA = 30 +9.7lg(Pun)  

Lb = 36 +9.71g(P.n)

Lc =42 +9.7lg(P.n)

In the formula, La, LB, LC ---- limit value of dividing pump noise level, DB;

Pu - output power of pump (effective power), kW;

N ---- specified speed of pump, R / min.

When LPA ≤ La, the noise of the pump is evaluated as class A.

When La ≤ LPA ≤ lb, the noise of the pump is evaluated as level B.

When LB < LPA ≤ LC, the noise of the pump is evaluated as level C.

When LPA > LC, the noise level of the pump is d.

In order to facilitate the use of simple calculation, equation (8-39), equation (8 40) and equation (8 41) are drawn into the noise evaluation diagram of the pump shown in Fig. 8 42. Without calculation, the noise level of the pump can be directly obtained by checking the diagram. The abscissa in the figure is the output power P of the pump. (kw), the vertical coordinate is the rotation speed of the pump n (R / min), each diagonal represents a different pump with the same noise limit value, a noise limit scale is used at the top and bottom of the figure, and the scale scale marks the values of La, LB and LC. When searching, the intersection point m is determined with the output power as the abscissa and the rotation speed as the ordinate, and the parallel line of the oblique line is made through the m point. The end of the parallel line gets three limit values of the scale La, LP and LC.

For pumps with P.N ≤ 27101.3, because their LC ≤ 85dB, it is not necessary to distinguish their noise levels a and B. for these pumps

LPA ≤ 85dB, the pump is qualified. L > 85dB, the pump is evaluated as unqualified.

For pumps with P.N ≤ 27101.3, if evaluation is required, l, La and Le limits are drawn with dotted lines in figure 8-42, which can be obtained with dotted lines in figure 8-42. Generally, they are only used in the following situations:

(1) it is required to accurately measure the noise level of the pump sound source and evaluate the noise level of the pump sound source.

(2) evaluate the noise level of low noise pump.

(3) after taking low-noise measures for the pump,

(4) if it is stipulated in the agreement contract, evaluate its effect and level.

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