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1. 稱重法、容積法

(1)測量原理:是在一 定時間內,由一個容器收集排出的流體,然后用稱重法得到流體的重量或用量桶測得流體的體積除以時間,便得到其流量值。

(2)測量方法:稱重法如圖8-13所示。稱重容器的容量要足夠大,注水時間應不小于30s,衡器()的精度要求高于0.01%, 如果為容器法,即將稱重容器和衡器換成量筒便是。




    稱重法、容積法雖為最原始的測量方法,但其測量精確度很高,一般可達0. 1%0.3%,所以常被用來校準其他形式的流量計。




?取壓方式和裝置:取壓是提取節流件上、下游兩側產生的差壓值,它有角接取壓方式、法蘭取壓方式、D-d/2 取壓方式。差壓的測定可用液柱式差壓計或差壓傳感器來測量。連接導壓管內必須完全充滿液體,排盡空氣。

節流件前后穩流直管段:節流件前后穩流直管段的長度L1、L2 必須足夠長,以便保證流經圖8- 14  節流裝置流量測量原理圖  節流件時流速均勻,L1、I2 的長度與節流件的直徑比β=d/D,節流件型式及安裝等有關。具體尺寸可參閱有關資求得(鄭夢海:泵測試實用技術或流量測量節流裝置)。


如果差壓測量用水銀差壓計Ap =yh,y已確定,歸納到流量計流量系數中去,流量計流量系數為k,則

所以,平時使用時,常將hk事先計算出,只要測得差壓值Ap或水銀差壓計讀數h代人到式(8-16)或式(8-17) 中去計算就很方便。為精確起見,可以用重量法或容積法標定出kk'值。

差壓裝置流量測量可有較高的精度,并可不經標定使用,精度可達土1.0%-1. 5%,如經標定,可達+0.35%+0.5%, 如用原位標定可達+0.1%~ +:0.3%,并且在使用中可不需要按標定周期進行標定;






(1) 工作原理 渣漿泵廠家

    堰按其堰口的形狀可分為直角三角堰、矩形堰和全寬堰,如圖8 - 16所示。三角堰適用于較小流量的測量,矩形堰用于較大流量的測量,全寬堰用于大流量的測量。


Usage of measuring instrument for slurry pump

The measuring instrument is the equipment which obtains the test data in the pump test, it will directly affect the correctness, authenticity and credibility of the whole test data value. The selection principle of measuring instruments is: to meet the national standards and requirements of measurement, to meet the requirements of test accuracy. The measuring instruments of the pump include: flow measuring instruments; pressure or differential pressure measuring instruments; speed measuring instruments; power (torque) measuring instruments and noise, vibration, temperature rise and other measuring instruments.

I. flow measuring instrument or method

The flow measuring instruments or methods can be divided into laboratory measuring instruments and field measuring instruments.

The measuring instruments and methods in the laboratory are as follows:

(1) original methods: weighing method and volume method;

(2) differential pressure device (called throttling device): standard orifice, standard nozzle, classic venturi;

(3) weir.

(4) electromagnetic flowmeter.

(5) turbine flowmeter.

The field measuring instruments and methods are as follows:

(1) ultrasonic flowmeter.

(2) velocity area method.

(3) dilution method.

1. Weighing method and volume method

(1) measurement principle: it is to collect the discharged fluid from a container within a certain period of time, and then use the weighing method to get the weight of the fluid or the volume of the fluid measured in the measuring barrel divided by the time to get the flow value.

(2) measurement method: the weighing method is shown in Figure 8-13. The capacity of the weighing container shall be large enough, the water injection time shall not be less than 30s, and the accuracy of the scale (scale) shall be higher than 0.01%. If it is the container method, it is necessary to replace the weighing container and scale with the measuring cylinder.

The diverter is a switching device used to inject water into the vessel. The operation of the diverter shall be fast enough (less than 0.1s) to reduce the measurement error.

The resolution of time measurement and control system shall be less than 0.1s, and shall be synchronized with commutator.

(3) flow calculation:

1. Weighing method:

② volume method:

(4) characteristics of weighing method and volume method:

① although weighing method and volume method are the most original measurement methods, their measurement accuracy is very high, generally up to 0.1% - 0.3%, so they are often used to calibrate other forms of flowmeter.

② the measurement is complex and time-consuming, so it can't measure the instantaneous flow, but can only be used to measure the average flow.

2. Differential pressure device (throttling device or throttling device flowmeter)

(1) measurement principle: as shown in Figure 8-14, when the fluid in the full pipeline flows through the throttling device in the pipeline, the flow beam will form a local contraction here, so that the flow rate will increase and the static pressure will decrease, so there will be a pressure difference before and after the throttling device. The larger the flow rate is, the greater the pressure difference is. By measuring the pressure difference before and after the throttling device, the size of the fluid flow can be calculated.

(2) composition of differential pressure device:

① throttling element: it is the element in the differential pressure device that causes fluid contraction and causes differential pressure on both sides of its upstream and downstream. Throttling parts include: standard orifice, standard nozzle, long diameter nozzle, classic venturi tube, venturi nozzle, cone-shaped inlet orifice, 1 / 4 round orifice, eccentric orifice, round lack orifice, etc. The common throttling parts are standard orifice, standard nozzle and classic venturi.

? pressure taking mode and device: pressure taking is to extract the differential pressure value generated at the upstream and downstream sides of the throttling part. It has angle connection pressure taking mode, flange pressure taking mode and D-D / 2 pressure taking mode. Differential pressure can be measured by liquid column differential pressure gauge or differential pressure sensor. The connecting impulse pipe must be completely filled with liquid and drained of air.

③ steady flow straight pipe section before and after throttling piece: the length L1 and L2 of the steady flow straight pipe section before and after throttling piece must be long enough to ensure the flow velocity is uniform when flowing through throttling piece in Fig. 8-14 throttling device flow measurement schematic diagram. The length of L1 and I2 is related to the diameter ratio β = D / D of throttling piece, the type and installation of throttling piece, etc. Please refer to relevant information for specific dimensions (Zheng Menghai: practical technology of pump test or flow measurement throttling device).

(3) flow calculation method:

When the throttling device and the measured wave body are determined, Q, 8, D and ρ are all fixed values, which can be summed up as the coefficient K, then

If the mercury differential pressure gauge AP = YH, y has been determined for differential pressure measurement, and it is summed up in the flow coefficient of the flowmeter, and the flow coefficient of the flowmeter is k, then

Therefore, in normal use, h or K is usually calculated in advance, so long as the measured differential pressure value AP or mercury differential pressure meter reading h is replaced by formula (8-16) or formula (8-17) for calculation, it is very convenient. For accuracy, K or K 'value can be calibrated by weight method or volume method.

(4) characteristics of flow measurement of differential pressure device:

① the flow measurement of differential pressure device can have high accuracy and can be used without calibration. The accuracy can be as high as 1.0% - 1.5%. If calibrated, it can be as high as + 0.35% - 0.5%. If calibrated in situ, it can be as high as + 0.1% ~ +: 0.3%. And in use, it is unnecessary to calibrate according to calibration cycle;

② convenient operation, fast measurement and instantaneous flow measurement;

③ simple structure, convenient manufacturing (self manufacturing), possible use and low price:

④ the straight pipe section required before and after the throttling parts is long, and the area of the test room is large;

⑤ flow measurement fan Tian is small, generally 1:3;

⑥ the force loss is large, which is not suitable for the flow measurement of low head pump.

3. weir

(1) working principle: slurry pump manufacturer

As shown in Figure 8-15, the flow measurement principle of weir is based on the outlet of hydraulic orifice. When the liquid flows through the "weir mouth", the liquid level rises in front of the weir mouth, and the liquid overflows through the top of the weir mouth. The higher the head h of the weir, the greater the overflow flow. Therefore, the flow can be calculated by measuring the head h of the weir.

According to the shape of the weir mouth, the weir can be divided into right triangle weir, rectangular weir and full width weir, as shown in Figure 8-16. Triangle weir is suitable for the measurement of small flow, rectangle weir for the measurement of large flow and full width weir for the measurement of large flow.

(2) flow calculation formula


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