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什么是汽蝕現象呢?可以從日常生活來談起:如果在一個大氣壓力作用下,將水加熱到100°C就會有大量氣泡從水中析出——水沸騰了。但是在高山上,由于空氣稀薄而氣壓低,水不到100C就會冒出大量氣泡。如果水面壓力降低到0. 024atm以下時,水在20C的常溫下也會冒出大量的氣泡,水沸騰。所以水的汽化不但與溫度有關,而且還與壓力有關。在一一定溫度下,液體開始汽化的臨界壓力叫做汽化壓力(或稱飽和蒸汽壓力),用p,表示。水在各種溫度下的汽化壓力P,見表1-1和表1-2,其他液體在各種溫度下的汽化壓力p,3- 1所示。

    泵開始發生汽蝕時,氣泡較少,區域也較小,對泵的正常工作沒有明顯影響,但當發展到一定程度時,就會影響到泵的性能(流量、揚程、功率、效率)明顯下降(泵的汽蝕試驗就是利用這一現象進行判斷), 并發生振動、噪聲。當汽蝕進一步發展,氣泡大量產生就會造成性能曲線急劇下降(3-2),液體產生斷流而泵無法工作。所以泵的汽蝕問題必須應予重視與防止。


How to prevent cavitation of slurry pump

What is cavitation? We can start from our daily life: if water is heated to 100 ° C under the action of an atmospheric pressure, a large number of bubbles will come out of the water - the water will boil. But in the high mountains, because the air is thin and the air pressure is low, a lot of bubbles will appear when the water is less than 100C. If the water pressure drops below 0.024atm, a large number of bubbles will appear and the water will boil at 20c. So the vaporization of water is not only related to temperature, but also to pressure. At a certain temperature, the critical pressure at which the liquid begins to vaporize is called the vaporization pressure (or saturated steam pressure), which is expressed as P. See Table 1-1 and table 1-2 for the vaporization pressure P of water at various temperatures, and Figure 3-1 for the vaporization pressure P of other liquids at various temperatures.

From the working principle of centrifugal pump, it is known that the pump can suck up the liquid at the low position because the centrifugal force is generated by the rotation of the impeller, which reduces the pressure at the pump inlet and generates a vacuum, that is, the pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure, and there is an atmospheric pressure on the liquid surface of the water suction tank, under the action of which the liquid body is pressed up. If the installation of the pump is higher than the suction liquid level, the pressure requirement of the pump inlet is lower and the vacuum degree is greater, then the liquid can be sucked up. When the pressure at the pump inlet is low to the vaporization pressure of the liquid at this temperature

In case of force, although at normal temperature, the liquid will also vaporize and generate a large number of bubbles, which will flow into the impeller passage together with the liquid. Because the pump works on the liquid through the rotating impeller, the liquid energy increases gradually, the pressure of the liquid increases gradually, and the bubbles in the liquid break under pressure and condense into liquid again and disappear. At this time, the liquid particles around the bubble move at a very high speed to supplement each other, and the particles collide with each other, generating a very high pressure (i.e. water hammer phenomenon) in an instant, and generating a strong water shock wave is like countless small warheads hitting the surface of the blade continuously. Over time, the metal surface gradually suffers from fatigue damage, resulting in honeycomb like small pieces of peeling off on the blade, which is usually called denudation. In the generated bubbles, there are also some active gases (such as oxygen, etc.), with the help of the heat released when the bubbles condense, they play a joint role of chemical corrosion, electrochemical corrosion and mechanical erosion on the metal, accelerating the speed of metal damage, which is called cavitation phenomenon.

When cavitation occurs at the beginning of the pump, there are fewer bubbles and smaller areas, which has no obvious impact on the normal operation of the pump. However, when it develops to a certain extent, it will affect the performance of the pump (flow, head, power, efficiency) significantly reduced (the cavitation test of the pump is to use this phenomenon for judgment), and vibration and noise will occur. When cavitation develops further, a large number of bubbles will cause a sharp decline in performance curve (Fig. 3-2), resulting in fluid cut-off and the pump can not work. Therefore, the cavitation problem of pump must be paid attention to and prevented.

Slurry pump

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